I'm writing a tech forum, well it's actually CRM which will handle 3 sites. anyway, trying to get on board with all this "AJAX" hype.

I noticed something very cool in this forum, when I hist "Post quick reply", it posts my text to server and gets a reply... so far so good. I know how to.

Now, funny thing happens, it gets the text and creates a new "reply" beneath the last reply on the bottom of screen without having to reload the whole page.

Anyone got an idéa how you can do that?

I have a guess that it perhaps have an empty DIV tag with a specific ID so it pushes the text|html into it ( innerHTML ) via javascript.

However, this can be done "unlimited" times, so if I were to have :

<DIV ID="1"></DIV>

the above could work once. But as soon as I need to do another quick reply, there is no more "DIV-1" since I already filled it. I would need :

<DIV ID="1"></DIV>
<DIV ID="2"></DIV>

hm... I hope this thread make any sense *lol* , hard to explain what I mean.