Hi, I am a newbi for Lisp programming. But i got finish of this project which i am doing. I need your help please.

I have server which is written on LISP. The server itself works fine. The problem which I have is if my client sends a string data to the server. The server can read just one char. That is when i use read or read-line functions. There is no effect at all on passive sockets. Here is a snap of my code which I am facing problem with:

(defun RouteServer (&key (port 9259)) 
  (let ((p (socket:make-socket :connect :passive 
                               :local-port port 
                               :reuse-address t))) 
    ;; Accept the connections here 
      (let ((s (socket:accept-connection p))) 
        ;; Read the char from the client 
        (setf R (read-char s)) 

        ;; If i use read here it donst even read anything from the stream. 
        ;;(setq R (read s))      

        ;; Switch statment to check, which function need 
        ;; to be executed. 
        ;; 1 - Robert problem 
        ;; 2 - MAZE problem 
        ;; 3 - Stops the server (But the port is not closed yet) 
        (cond ((eq R #\1) (format s "~s|" (callops)) 
               (format s "Error: Invalid function call")) 
              ((eq R #\2) (format s "~s|" (callMAZE)) 
               (format s "Error: Invalid function call")) 
              ((eq R #\3) #'(lambda () (close s)(close p))(return))) 
        (close s)))))
Thanks a lot
