I just got a new Linksys wireless router, which I am very happy to have. I have some questions, however.

The Linksys router creates its own subnet. So when I connect my computer to the router (either through a wire or wireless), I am assigned an IP address by the Linksys router which starts with 192.

The network that I am on is an on-campus network, which normally assigns IP addresses that start with 10.

So...while my IP address used to be 10.x.x.x, it is now 192.x.x.x, because it is assigned to me by my router.

I can see this causing problems if I ever want to remotely connect to my machine from another computer on campus, however. For example, if I am running an SSH server on my computer, and I want to SSH into my machine from another computer on campus, as far as I know, I can't do it, because my computer is invisible behind my new router.

Is there any way that I can make it so that although my computer's internet connection passes through my router (while wired), I can still receive a 10.x.x.x address from campus? I don't care about doing it while I am connected wirelessly...I just want to be able to do it while I am connected with a wire. So basically I don't want the Linksys router put me on its subnet but instead let me pass my internet connection right through it.

Thanks for any help with this!