Thread: DevCpp on Vista

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  1. #1
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    DevCpp on Vista

    I just installed DevCpp, but it wont compile anything. Its says theres an istallation problem with gcc, but I downloaded the version with: with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2. Anyway this is what it says in the compile log:
    Compiler: Default compiler
    Executing  gcc.exe...
    gcc.exe "C:\Users\mike\Documents\DevCpp Code\SwapTest.c" -o "C:\Users\mike\Documents\DevCpp Code\SwapTest.exe"    -I"include"   -L"lib" 
    gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
    Execution terminated
    Compilation successful
    Has anyone else had this problem, or does anyone know what I can do to fix it? This never happened on winXP.

  2. #2
    Registered User ssharish2005's Avatar
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    Make sure your gcc is working fine, by compiling your program from the konsole rather than IDE. So that you can make sure that gcc itself is working fine. Then you could blame the IDE settings. Normally the gcc.exe is located in "C:\Dev-Cpp\bin".

    Open a console and cd to "C:\Dev-Cpp\bin" and try compiling your program from here. And see whether your get compiled. If not try reinstalling.

    I use Dev-Cpp but not on Vista, but on XP. I never faced such a error message so far. Let me know how it goes.

    On note make sure your compiler path in the IDE is set properly. Go to Tools-Compiler option-Directories. Check the path it should be "C:\Dev-Cpp\bin".


  3. #3
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    Well gcc.exe is in Dev-Cpp\bin\ The default paths are all set up in the compiler options. I just realised that theres no 'Run' on vista start menu, so I'm going to have to find out how to get into the console. I hate Vista. It tries to stop you from doing anything, I spent an hour trying to work out why I couldent find my files the other day until I realized that they were hidden from me in some obscure dierctory, with some obscure name because I dident have administrative priveliges to write to that folder. And then theres all the popup windows everytime you want to rename a file.... Oh well at least now I have a sidebar with useful features like a rev counter that tells me how fast my computer is driving today. and it only eats 16MB of RAM even if I have it turned off in the control panel. I'll probably format my HD as soon as I can be bothered and maybe try out Ubuntu or something.

  4. #4
    Registered User ssharish2005's Avatar
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    Well in Vista there is run, when you click on start. At the bottom of the file you will find a search text box. Type in the cmd there and press enter. Console opens.

    Even I dont use vista, but i just came to know that. I use XP.


  5. #5
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    Lol, thats pretty easy actually.

    [edit] Tried running it from the bin directory in the console, but it wouldent work either. Its seems to be some problem with the install, but I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it and it still dident work :/ I don't know what to do. I think I'll go to bed and get back to this tomorrow. Cheers.[/edit]
    Last edited by mike_g; 09-18-2007 at 07:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Registered User ssharish2005's Avatar
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    Well, I made quick search on the web. I came up with some solution. Follow the step as stated

    1.You need to have full access to the “Dev-Cpp” folder to do this. Either you could run Dev-Cpp as a super user such as administrator. You could do this by right clicking on it and click “Run as administrator”

    2.If you don’t want to “Run as Administrator” you need to have full access to the Dev-C++ folder. Right click that folder and the go to properties. And on the security tab check out the access level for “computer name\users”, Make sure they have full access to the folder and same applies for the sub directories as well. I fact you could set, such that all sub directory could inherit the parent directory settings.

    3.Once you did that, now go to “C:\Dev-Cpp\libexec\gcc\mingw32\4.1.2” and copy the cc1.exe and cc1plus.exe to the “C:\Dev-Cpp\bin” folder.

    4.Now try running Dev-Cpp.

    You should be having some progress. Hopefully.


  7. #7
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    Yeah last night I set all users administrative priveliges for folder, and found that it would compile a cpp file, but not c. Anyway I just copied the files from the


    To the Dev-Cpp\bin folder. And It seems to have made a bit of progress. Now when I compile I get a list of error messages coming from <stdio.h>. A couple of examples:
    216 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\stdio.h syntax error before "size_t"
    220 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\stdio.h syntax error before "__gnuc_va_list"
    446 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\stdio.h [Warning] `__cdecl__' attribute only applies to function types

    Along with tons of other errors

  8. #8
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    Okay I would really like to be able to fix this. Starting with the first error message that comes up:
    6:24 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\stddef.h no include path in which to search for stddef.h
    I have no idea why this is happeneing :/ The compiler seems to have no problem finding stdio.h which is in the same directory. Anyone know what could be causing this?

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