Ok, for the past few weeks im having this stupid problem that my computer just restarts randomly. Ive disabled automatic restart on system failure in XP, the problem doesnt seem to be in the OS. It just restarts, i have a few blinking lights on my motherboard near the wifi thing..and then sometimes the total supply just dies. Is the powersupply(SMPS) drawing too much power or something ? i have a 400W smps and i have 2 hdds, both sata, one dvd rom, 7900 GT. Once i found the fuse on the spikeguard in the set position so i had to push that button to get it working again, could this be a problem with the electricity supply? my system is pretty new..i got it just some weeks ago. Also when it restarts, i hear a kind of buzzing sound from somewhere inside the cabinet..

This is my motherboard -> http://www.shopbot.ca/p-43078.html