I'm starting a job in about a month as a java developer, mainly JSP using sybase database I think. Thing is most of my experience is with C++ and a bit with C and C#. I also have quite a bit of experince with web development ASP, PHP and ASP.NET which from what I heard is very similar to JSP, but no experience with JSP.

I want to brush up on my java and OOP skills and learn the basics of JSP and database access, which I image shouldn't be too difficult with my experience. I'm probably an average programer in ability. But I don't want a book to teach me programming with java, I already know how to program.

So basically, I want a book that will help me transition from the C++ mindset to the java mindset, refresh me on modern object oriented development methods that are used in industry, and introduce me to JSP and JDBC.

Any recommendations? One book that could cover that would be best but multiple ones if not.
