This is a CPUID code.
It successfully compiled on Pelles C.
//Author - Niloy Mondal
//Reference - Intel Instruction Set Reference Volume 2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
	char *strFeatures[32]={	"FPU - x87 FPU on Chip",
							"VME - Virtual 8086 Enhancement",
							"DE - Debugging Extensions",
							"PSE - Page Size Extensions",
							"TSC - Time Stamp Counter",
							"MSR - RDMSR and WRMSR Support",
							"PAE - Physical Address Extensions",
							"MCE - Machine Check Exception",
							"CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction",
							"APIC - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller on Chip",
							" ",	//Reserved
							"SEP - SYSENTER and SYSEXIT",
							"MTRR - Memory Type Range Register",
							"PGE - PTE Global Bit",
							"MCA - Machine Check Architecture",
							"CMOV - Condtional Move/Compare Instruction",
							"PAT - Page Attribute Table",
							"PSE-32 - Page Size Extension",
							"PSN - Processor Serial Number",
							"CLFSH - CFLUSH Instruction",
							" ",	//Reserved
							"DS - Debug Store",
							"ACPI - Thermal Monitor and Clock Control",
							"MMX - MMX Technology",
							"SSE- SSE Extensions",
							"SSE2 - SSE2 Extensions",
							"SS - Self Snoop",
							"HTT - Hyper Threading Tech",
							"TM - Thermal Monitor",
							" ",	//Reserved
							"PBE - Pend. Brk. En"};

	char VendorID[13];
	unsigned char SteppingID;
	unsigned char Model;
	unsigned char Family;
	unsigned char ProcessorType;
	unsigned char Brand;
	unsigned long VersionInfo;
	unsigned long FeatureInfo;

		mov eax,0
		cpuid							//CPUID Instruction
		mov dword ptr [VendorID],ebx
		mov dword ptr [VendorID+4],edx
		mov dword ptr [VendorID+8],ecx
		mov byte ptr [VendorID+12],0
//Show the Vendor ID. Should be "GenuineIntel" if the processor is Intel"/////////////
	printf("Your processor is a %s\n",VendorID);
//Store all the required information in memory////////////////////////////////////////
		mov eax,1
		cpuid							//CPUID Instruction
		mov VersionInfo,eax				//Store Version Information
		mov FeatureInfo,edx				//Store Feature Information
		mov Brand,bl					//Store Brand Information
//Extract the SteppingID, model and family from the bit encoded VersionInfo and display
	SteppingID = VersionInfo & 0x0F;			//Stepping ID
	Model = (VersionInfo & 0xF0)>>4;			//Model
	Family = (VersionInfo & 0x0F00)>>8;			//Family
	ProcessorType = (VersionInfo & 3000)>>12;	//Processor Type
	printf("Stepping ID : %5d\n",SteppingID);
	printf("Model       : %5d\n",Model);
	printf("Family      : %5d\n",Family);
//Show the Processor Type/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	case 0:
		printf("Processor Type : Original OEM Processor\n");
	case 1:
		printf("Processor Type : Intel OverDrive Processor\n");
	case 2:
		printf("Processor Type : Dual Processor\n");
	case 3:
		printf("Processor Type : Intel reserved\n");
//Show the Computer Brand/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	printf("Your Computer Brand is :- ");
	case 0x00:
		printf("This Processor does not support the brand identification feature");break;
	case 0x01:
		printf("Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x02:
		printf("Intel Pentium III processor");break;
	case 0x03:
		printf("Intel Pentium III Xeon or Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x04:
		printf("Intel Pentium III processor");break;
	case 0x06:
		printf("Mobile Intel Pentium III processor-M");break;
	case 0x07:
		printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x08:
		printf("Intel Pentium 4 processor");break;
	case 0x09:
		printf("Intel Pentium 4 processor");break;
	case 0x0A:
		printf("Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x0B:
		printf("Intel Xeon processor or Xeon processor MP");break;
	case 0x0C:
		printf("Intel Xeon processor MP");break;
	case 0x0E:
		printf("Mobile Intel Pentium 4  or Intel Xeon processor");break;
	case 0x0F:
		printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x13:
		printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");break;
	case 0x16:
		printf("Intel Pentium M processor");break;
		printf("Future Processor");
	printf("\n---------------------Press any key to continue more----------------\n");
//Show the Processor Features////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	printf("Your Processor has the following Features:-\n");
	for(long i=0;i<32;i++)
		_asm xor ebx,ebx
		_asm mov ebx,i
		_asm bt FeatureInfo,ebx	//"bt" is opcode to test a particular bit(on/off) in a string
								//The bit number to test is provided as the second operand
								//The result is stored in the carry flag
		_asm jnc Feature_not_installed
	printf("************************Programmer - Niloy Mondal***********************");
	return 1;
So I'd like to compile it on MinGW. Since I don't wanna use the AT&T syntax, I change the code a little bit
like these :
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	char *strFeatures[32] = {
		"FPU - x87 FPU on Chip","VME - Virtual 8086 Enhancement",
		"DE - Debugging Extensions","PSE - Page Size Extensions",
		"TSC - Time Stamp Counter","MSR - RDMSR and WRMSR Support",
		"PAE - Physical Address Extensions","MCE - Machine Check Exception",
		"CX8 - CMPXCHG8B Instruction","APIC - Advance Programmable Interrupt Controller On Chip",
		" ","SEP - SYSENTER and SYSECIT","MTRR - Memory Type Range Register","PGE - PTE Global Bit",
		"MCA - Machine Check Architecture","CMOV - Conditional Move/Compare Instruction",
		"PAT - Page Attribute Table","PSE-32 - Page Size Extension",
		"PSN - Processor Serial Number","CFLUSH - CFLUSH Instruction",
		"", "DS - Debug Store","ACPI - Thermal Monitor and Clock Control","MMX - MMX Technology",
		"FXSR - FXSAVE/FXRSTOR","SSE - SSE Extensions","SSE2 - SSE2 Extensions",
		"SS - Self Snoop","HTT - Hyper Threading Tech","TM - Thermal Monitor",
		" ","PBE - Pend. Brk. En"};
	long i;
	char VendorID[13];
	unsigned char SteppingID;
	unsigned char Model;
	unsigned char Family;
	unsigned char ProcessorType;
	unsigned char Brand;
	unsigned long VersionInfo;
	unsigned long FeatureInfo;		

	asm(".intel_syntax noprefix\n");	
	asm("mov eax,0\n");
	asm("mov dword ptr [VendorID],ebx\n");
	asm("mov dword ptr [VendorID+4],edx\n");
	asm("mov dword ptr [VendorID+8],ecx\n");
	asm("mov byte ptr [VendorID+12],0\n");
	printf("Your processor is a %s\n",VendorID);	
	asm("mov eax,1\n");
	asm("mov VersionInfo,eax\n");				
	asm("mov FeatureInfo,edx\n");				
	asm("mov Brand,bl\n");					
	SteppingID = VersionInfo & 0x0F;
	Model = (VersionInfo & 0xF0) >> 4;
	Family = (VersionInfo & 0xF00) >> 8;
	ProcessorType = (VersionInfo & 3000) >> 12;
	printf("SteppingID : %5d\n",SteppingID);
	printf("Model : %5d\n",Model);
	printf("Family : %5d\n",Family);

		case 0:
			printf("Processor type : Original OEM processor\n");
		case 1:
			printf("Processor type : Intel OverDrive processor\n");
		case 2:
			printf("Processor type : dual processor\n");
		case 3:
			printf("Processor type : Intel reserved\n");
	printf("Your computer brand is : ");
		case 0x00:
			printf("This procesor doesn't support the brand identification feature");
		case 0x01:
			printf("Intel Celeron processor");
		case 0x02:
			printf("Intel Pentium III processor");
		case 0x03:
			printf("Intel Pentium III Xeon or Intel Xeon processor");
		case 0x04:
			printf("Intel Pentium III processor");
		case 0x06:
			printf("Mobile Intel Pentium III processor");
		case 0x07:
			printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");
		case 0x08:
			printf("Intel Pentium 4 processor");
		case 0x09:
			printf("Intel Pentium 4 processor");
		case 0x0A:
			printf("Intel Celeron processor");
		case 0x0B:
			printf("Intel Xeon processor or Xeon processor MP");
		case 0x0C:
			printf("Intel Xeon processor MP");
		case 0x0E:
			printf("Mobile Intel Pentium 4 or Intel Xeon processor");
		case 0x0F:
			printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");
		case 0x13:
			printf("Mobile Intel Celeron processor");
		case 0x16:
			printf("Intel Pentium M processor");
			printf("Future processor");
	printf("\n--------------- Press any key to continue ---------------\n");
	printf("Your processor has the following features :\n");
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		asm("xor ebx,ebx\n");
		asm("mov ebx,i\n");
		asm("bt FeatureInfo,ebx\n");	
		asm("jnc Feature_not_installed\n");
		asm("Feature_not_installed: \n");
	return 1;
Try to compile using this command :
gcc -masm=intel cpuid.c -o cpuid

And these are the error messages :
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x5c): undefined reference to `VendorID'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x62): undefined reference to `VendorID'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x68): undefined reference to `VendorID'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x6e): undefined reference to `VendorID'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x91): undefined reference to `VersionInfo'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x97): undefined reference to `FeatureInfo'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x9d): undefined reference to `Brand'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x30e): undefined reference to `i'
C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1.DIV/LOCALS~1/Temp/cceKbaaa.o:cpuid.c:(.text+0x315): undefined reference to `FeatureInfo'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
So how should I use Intel syntax on MinGW ?