I am trying to set svn:ignore on visual studio 2005 projects and figure out working directories and stuff. I have an svn repository at file:///h:/repository and I make projects with visual studio 2005. I have a limited amount of disk space, and I am trying to really only import project files, executable, and source files into the repository (no debug info). I have an h:/ignore.txt

And I try to ignore debug info and import it into the repository on a project which has not been imported before by doing something like this, H:\Test being a non-working copy VC++ 2005 project:

svn propset -R svn:ignore -F H:\Test H:\ignore.txt
And I get that H:\Test is not a working copy.

I don't really get by what it means by a working copy, but I kind of do. What I did was, I tried to make a program which would import the project (svn import), rmdir the project (completely gone, only in repository), and then checkout (svn checkout) the project to make a working copy, and then (svn propset) on that thing I checked out.

Is this even an appropriate solution?