Thread: MinGW Linking GUI Program

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Sorry, that fails completely for me :
    g++ -c -Wall .cpp
    g++: .cpp: No such file or directory
    g++: no input files
    mingw32-make: *** [wurd.o] error 1
    (same with msys make).
    Quote Originally Posted by ming32-make
    GNU Make 3.80
    Quote Originally Posted by msys make
    GNU Make version 3.79.1
    Quote Originally Posted by g++
    g++.exe (GCC) 3.4.5 (mingw special)
    edit: spoke too soon- I've had to tweak your makefile to replicate the error you have described:
    CC = g++
    LD = ld
    LIBS = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\gdi32.Lib" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\kernel32.lib"
    LDFLAGS  = --subsystem windows -e _WinMain@16 $(LIBS)
    CXXFLAGS = -c -Wall
    all: wurd
    wurd: wurd.o
    	$(LD) wurd.o -o wurd.exe $(LDFLAGS) 
    wurd.o: wurd.cpp
    	$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) wurd.cpp
    edit2: MessageBox is in user32.dll so requires linking with user32.lib; not that it removes the linker error...
    CProgramming FAQ
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  2. #17
    Registered User Tonto's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    New York
    I have made some progress. I realized that the symbol information in the VC libraries have a different mangling than mingw's. Here are some examples:

    USER32.dll:     file format pei-i386
    [  0](sec  0)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$4
    [  1](sec  1)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$5
    [  2](sec  2)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$6
    [  3](sec  3)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .text
    [  4](sec  1)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 __imp__wsprintfA
    [  5](sec  3)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 _wsprintfA
    [  6](sec  0)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 __IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_USER32
    USER32.dll:     file format pei-i386
    [  0](sec  0)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$4
    [  1](sec  1)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$5
    [  2](sec  2)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .idata$6
    [  3](sec  3)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   3) (nx 0) 0x00000000 .text
    [  4](sec  1)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 __imp__wsprintfW
    [  5](sec  3)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 _wsprintfW
    [  6](sec  0)(fl 0x00)(ty   0)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x00000000 __IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_USER32
    They do not have the appending number of argument bytes. With mingw's libs, I can do what I want when I say:

    LIBPATH   = "C:/Development/Dev/lib"
    LIBS      = -l gdi32.a -l kernel32.a -l user32.a -l ws2_32.a
    Those forward slashes are needed. I am also trying to link to the standard library now, and am encountering some more errors. My makefile, with needed things to link

    LIBPATH   = -L"C:/development/dev/lib" \
    LIBS      = -lgdi32 -lkernel32 -luser32 \
    			-lws2_32 -lstdc++ -lcrtdll \
    			-lmingw32 -lgcc
    LDFLAGS  = --subsystem windows $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS)
    test: test.o util.o
    	$(LD) C:\Development\Dev\lib\crt1.o test.o util.o -o test.exe $(LDFLAGS)
    I get many errors from like

    ld C:\Development\Dev\lib\crt1.o test.o util.o -o test.exe --subsystem windows -L"C:/development/dev/lib" -L"C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2"
     -lgdi32 -lkernel32 -luser32 -lws2_32 -lstdc++ -lcrtdll -lmingw32 -lgcc
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x28) undefined reference to `_imp__TlsAlloc@0'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x58) undefined reference to `_imp__GetLastError@0'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0xe4) undefined reference to `_imp__GetLastError@0'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0xf5) undefined reference to `_imp__TlsGetValue@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x107) undefined reference to `_imp__SetLastError@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x19e) undefined reference to `_imp__GetLastError@0'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x1af) undefined reference to `_imp__TlsGetValue@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x1c1) undefined reference to `_imp__SetLastError@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x289) undefined reference to `InterlockedIncrement@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/libstdc++.a(eh_globals.o)(.text+0x2a5) undefined reference to `_imp__Sleep@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x178): undefined reference to `_imp__GetLastError@0'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x1be): undefined reference to `_imp__CreateSemaphoreA@16'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x1de): undefined reference to `InterlockedIncrement@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x201): undefined reference to `_imp__WaitForSingleObject@8'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x210): undefined reference to `InterlockedDecrement@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x23e): undefined reference to `InterlockedDecrement@4'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(gthr-win32.o)(.text+0x262): undefined reference to `_imp__ReleaseSemaphore@12'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(_eprintf.o)(.text+0x2e): undefined reference to `fprintf'
    C:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/libgcc.a(_eprintf.o)(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `fflush'
    make: *** [test] Error 1

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you use the -v or --verbose flags when linking/compiling you'll get a lot more information about those processes, which may be of some use to you.

    Interestingly, if you don't invoke ld directly the issue of mangling you describe doesn't seem to be a problem; it seems that when you invoke ld directly as you are attempting to do, you have to specify just about everything and anything, including taking care that the order of switches etc. is correct.

    Good luck, though.
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  4. #19
    Registered User Tonto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New York
    Very helpful I think! So close! Makefile

    LIBPATH   = -L"c:/development/dev/lib" \
    LIBS      = -lstdc++ -lmingw32 -lgcc -lmsvcrt -luser32 -lkernel32
    OBJS      = test.o util.o c:/development/dev/lib/crt1.o \
                c:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/crtbegin.o \
    LDFLAGS   = --subsystem windows $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS)

    test.o(.text+0x15c):test.cpp: undefined reference to `GetStockObject@4'
    c:/development/dev/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x13d):crt1.c: undefined reference to `__GetMainArgs'
    c:/development/dev/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x1b7):crt1.c: undefined reference to `_imp___fmode_dll'
    c:/development/dev/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x1c7):crt1.c: undefined reference to `_imp___environ_dll'
    make: *** [test] Error 1

  5. #20
    Registered User Tonto's Avatar
    Join Date
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    New York
    It works.

    LIBPATH   = -L"c:/development/dev/lib" \
    LIBS      = -lstdc++ -lmingw32 -lgcc -lmsvcrt -luser32 -lkernel32 -lgdi32 \
    OBJS      = test.o util.o c:/development/dev/lib/crt1.o \
                c:/development/dev/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/crtbegin.o \
    LDFLAGS   = --subsystem windows $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS)
    Fun fun fun fun fun in the sun.

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