
I have a really huge source organised in a complicated dir. tree. I am using Vim editor and ctags to make a tagfile of that source code. Now, the problem is that ctags seems not to have processed every detail it should (i used ctags -R) since, although i can jump using ctrl-] to a class header (for example there is a line G4Step* blah= new G4Step(blah), it jumps to a /blah/blah/blah/.../blah/G4Step.hh, as it should), i can not jump to a method declaration within that class
(example: ctrl-] for blah->GetMyDoughnutsQuickly() will not get me to a declaration of GetMyDoughnutsQuickly() saying that tag doesn' t exist, eventhough the tag G4Step does exist).

Now this makes me mad as hell! Anybody knows how to help? Or should I start using cscope, global, ...?