Because I'm insane and ZOMG FREEWARE3D MMORPG is so lame by now.

from what I've heard, a virtual machine is at the core of a scripting language, and it interprets scripts and converts them into bytecode. However, I'm not particularly sure WHAT bytecode is, and what the conversion to it entails. The tutorial I found creates a virtualMachine class, which contains script objects (which contain instruction objects), and then parses them with a bunch of switch statements. This is a bit of an understatement, but it (hopefully) conveys the basic idea.

Problem is, I don't really get how this converts anything to bytecode. Is this not actually a virtual machine, per, se, but an emulator of one?

Also, if anyone has any articles on this, I'd love to see them. Googling's just returned a ton of stuff about the Java Virtual Machine, and don't really help me much.