I’ve been at this problem for quite some time and I still can’t find what is wrong.
All this started when I have installed GTA San Andreas, while playing the game it would glitch in certain moments of lots of in-game noise pollution. My frame rate started to drop, I can’t confirm that from the game but it is clear that the game is not running the way it is meant to run. So in this case I think that it could be my onboard sound card that’s having rough time playing all the sounds with surround effects.

But here is another problem. After the installation of the game when I try to play MP3 files using Windows Media Player I noticed my music skip, and it’s not like the file is corrupted or it’s a bad copy because when I burned the MP3’s on a disk and stuck it into all the CD players in the house it played music fine.

My mouse has also showed similar symptoms of poor response at times of heavy CPU load, and it would even freeze for few of what seams to be milliseconds that really bother the hell out of me.

Anyway these problems frustrated me so much that I reinstalled Windows XP Pro…

But after the reinstallation process and driver updates I had same problems on a fresh system, music played bad, poor mouse response at times, and long really long start up times.

During the Windows reinstallation process I chose to install windows on the same partition that it was installed onto previously, and when asked how I wanted Windows to format my disk I chose Quick Format instead of full format which normally takes very long on huge hard disks.

I strongly believe that the cause in this was because I chose to format my disk quickly instead of full format, which (don’t exactly know how it works) might not have deleted certain things.

My system is custom build by myself so I can’t take it to the store for them to fix it, so here are the specs:
AMD 64 3500+
ASUS A8V-E Deluxe
1 GB 3200 MHz Corsair Value Ram operating at dual channel
250GB Maxtor (partitioned into two halves 100GB(OS) and 150GB(additional storage))

What does GTA have to do with all this, beats me, but all this started after installation of GTA.

All help is appreciated.