hello, i just bought a new laptop and as usual, it came preinstalled with windows xp. the thing is, ive always wanted to try out linux, so i finally got the debian linux installation cd, and i was reading through the install guide and i have some questions:

1) my laptop was already partitioned, all 60gb in 1 partition, is there any safe way to repartition it to 3 drives? (1 for windows, 1 for linux, 1 for files)

2) can linux AND windows access the 3rd partition? im not sure if there would be any problems with the filesystem...

note: the laptop doesnt have a floppy drive (in the debian install guide, there was a method to safely repartition a drive, but it required making a bootable floppy).

and 1 final question:

i read theres different installations, server/desktop/command line (something like that), i was wondering which 1 i should pick? im going to use the laptop for developing and work in general mainly.. and i might run a few server-programs on it every now and then (nothing too demanding, just a few programs ive been working on).

i was thinking the server install would be fine?

thanks in advance for any help