Thread: Starting a website?

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  1. #1
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    Starting a website?

    A friend of mine contacted me about starting a website for a small business he wants to open. I wanted to see what was involved in this process.

    I know that you need to register for a domain and it costs some yearly fee, but I don't know where from. Anyone know?

    Also obviously he needs an ISP...lets say he has DSL or a cable-modem connection (already at home), and he wants to run the web server out of his house. Is this sufficient?

    I know he can use Linux and Apache for the webserver, and the only limitation I know of in this configuration is that he can't run ASP pages (MS specific), which probably isn't a big deal. How difficult is it to get Apache configured? Does anyone know of a quickstart manual or something along these lines for Apache?

    Finally, for the design of the webpages, I am going to assume that it will be easier to find a WYSIWYG editor for HTML on Windows. Does anyone know of free ones? If not, what are the main ones out there? I know Frontpage is by MS, what else is there?

    Finally, is there anything else that I'm forgetting or that I should know about?

    The crows maintain that a single crow could destroy the heavens. Doubtless this is so. But it proves nothing against the heavens, for the heavens signify simply: the impossibility of crows.

  2. #2
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    I know that you need to register for a domain and it costs some yearly fee, but I don't know where from. Anyone know?
    I recommed . He won't ever regret it.

    How difficult is it to get Apache configured?
    I tried it once on one of my computers on the same network. It was easy , even though i had some little problems (which i overcame by asking on a web development BBS).

    a WYSIWYG editor for HTML on Windows. Does anyone know of free ones?

    Finally, is there anything else that I'm forgetting or that I should know about?
    We don't know what you already know to let you know about things you should know
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  3. #3
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    Dreamweaver by macromedia is great for building sites, its easy to use and you can upload the files and anything that the site needs from dreamweaver.
    When no one helps you out. Call google();

  4. #4
    unleashed alphaoide's Avatar
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    I'd say get a webhost to host the website. From what I could tell, he/you don't know a thing about setting up a web server. To make it run is easy, but to configure the server and add knick-knacks is not. Also regular DSL may not fast enough, or limited bandwidth.

    So you need to focus on the small business, if affordable get a web designer to design the website. From the sound of you, I could tell if you make the website, it won't look good enough (no offence). Customers care about the look of your website, it somehow (from customers point of view) represents the credibility of the business. And definitely leave the server set up and maintenence to the expert (webhost). Deploy your own when you've experimented and ready.
    source: compsci textbooks,, world wide web, common sense

  5. #5
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    Things to consider:

    1) Godaddy is ok for domain registration, but there are other sites that make it easier. is the company I have used for years. They only do the domain registration, not the hosting.

    2) Most likely, your friend's ISP is not going to allow him to host his own website. Most of them block port 80 (what your webserver is setup to accept connections on), so he won't be able to do it anyways.

    3) Hosting isn't that expensive, and I recommend someone like . The smallest package (4.99/mo) would be more than sufficient for what your friend would probably use and they also offer all kinds of scripts that you can install with the click of a mouse.

    4) WYSIWYG editors are fine for people that don't know crap about HTML and just want a simple site, but you should suggest that if he wants to do it right he should learn how to code the sites up himself. There are a million and 1 editors out there, but not many of them are WYSIWYG.

    Also remember that if this is just to display information, he should be fine. But if he wants to setup a shopping cart or anything like that, he should pay someone to do it or purchase a package from somewhere.

  6. #6
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    I second godaddy, awsome awsome service

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Thanks Brain Cell & RoD. GoDaddy looks good, maybe I haven't browsed the site enough...but for the 'economy' price, do you get your own domain, i.e. Or is it like getting a personal site with your isp, i.e.

    The crows maintain that a single crow could destroy the heavens. Doubtless this is so. But it proves nothing against the heavens, for the heavens signify simply: the impossibility of crows.

  8. #8
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IfYouSaySo
    do you get your own domain, i.e. Or is it like getting a personal site with your isp, i.e.

    do you think that someone will ever pay for a domain like that? ofcourse not !

    You get your own domain ( for $8.95 a year. You'll also get these stuff for free.
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  9. #9
    Web Developer
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    I got my domain registered with was about 2 years ago. I've had absolutely no problems with them.

    Big ups to

    As for a web host...try and get hosted by someone with a good reputation from:

    At the moment, I'm being hosted by . The guy (his name is Terry) who owns the company is well known on and his service is excellent.

    Just my 2 cents. A good web host is important!

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