Thread: Video problems

  1. #1
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    Video problems

    Ok, so I just built my new system a couple weeks ago. With it I bought a PCI-express Nvidia 6600 128mb card. It has been working fine until tonite.

    I was doing nothing but playing games and I got booted from 2 different games... one was a bug in the game (it even brought up a bug reporting webpage after showing me the error) and the other game kicked me out for an unknown reason.

    Either way, I rebooted just to kind of clear things out. When the system came back up, I had lost all video quality. The resolution was 800x600 and 4-bit. 4-BIT!

    So I figured it blew out my drivers so I reinstalled them. Nothing. I rebooted again just in case it was a fluke, nothing.

    3 things I did notice are a couple of errors that popped up.

    1) nvuClockInit failed (I assume this has to do with the utility that comes with the video card or the actual card itself.)
    2) "could not read memory at address 0x00000000" or something like that... that was an error from the utility for sure.
    3) Windows couldn't find file (null). This was the strangest of all.

    I have since rebooted in safe mode where the video card did appear to work like it should at the normal resolution/color. WEIRD.

    However, going back to windows after this did not appear to fix the problem.

    I am now running off of my motherboard VGA and when I rebooted the last time I got a message saying a registry error was repaired.

    So if you're still reading... does anyone else think my video card is hosed? I think I'm calling Gigabyte tomorrow to find out for sure. (they're the maker of the card).


  2. #2
    Bob Dole for '08 B0bDole's Avatar
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    Your drivers are messed up.

    Uninstall all of the nvidia software, EVERYTHING.
    From the system->hardware remove the device if its there

    put card back in, reboot, reinstall like you did the first time, get the latest up to date drivers from and pray.

  3. #3
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    Like I said... I don't think it is the drivers. I've already reinstalled them and the main problem appears to be with gigabyte software.... plus this clockinit function... which I'm not sure if that is on the card or in the software.

  4. #4
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    I did follow your suggestion to remove the card and put it back in. However, I don't think that solved all my problems.

    I did that, rebooted and everything appeared to be normal again, except for the fact that I was still getting errors saying the registry was having to be repaired.

    So I did 3 system restores and now I'm back to Wednesday's settings, which appear to be working fabulously.

    I think some of my problems stem from the fact that I've been overclocking my video card. I think I'm gonna lay off that a little bit and see how things go. Either way, I'm going to make it a practice to start making more system restore points.

    Thanks for the input anyways.

  5. #5
    Bob Dole for '08 B0bDole's Avatar
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    Why would you need to overclock a 6600 ?!?

  6. #6
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    No reason really... I did it for a 3DMark and saw considerable difference so I kind of made a practice of it.

  7. #7
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    if your using a gigabyte version, which i picked up i think you are, do not use vtuner or any of the gigabyte software on your card. Download a third party, and use the nvidia based drivers. I was getting no more than 60FPS outta my gigabyte fx5200. Than i dloaded nvidias drivers and installed a Gforce tweaker (ill look at it when im home), now i get a constant 115-120FPS in AA. The card is on stock cooling at 505/498 core/ram settings. It has slight volt mod'n but not much.

    Gigabyte makes awsome products, but their Nvidia card software sucks. If you cant get it working right send it back and get the new X800 ATI : )

  8. #8
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    Well, I was using the Nvidia drivers... I've always stood by them, and yes, I do have the Gigabyte card.

    I had been tweaking it with the vtuner and was running about 400/700 core/ram settings.

    The interesting thing was that I actually found the problem that caused all of this when I was messing around this afternoon. Ready for a wild one?


    Yeah. Fantastic. So I went to their website and found that they had an update available that... guess what... fixed a memory corruption error which is exactly what was happening to me. I downloaded the patch and everything has been fine since.

  9. #9
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Hi , ober - I have the same problem, may I ask you to send me this patch to [email protected] , because I don't know where to find it.

  11. #11
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    OK, that's 3 stupid noob posters that haven't bothered to read the bloody rules about thread bumpage
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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