okay...im kind of confused...

i am sitting here at work, kind of bored. I have finished all my work, so I decided to program for awhile just for fun.

But anyways, as most of us know, in a big endian machine, the most significant byte is stored lower in memory, so the integer FFFF would be stored as such in memory:

00 00 FF FF

In a little endian machine, the least significant byte is store lower in memory, and so that same number would be stored as such:

FF FF 00 00

Well, my machine here at work is a Win2k machine...running on an Intel processor, and therefore it is little endian because Intel processors are little endian. Or at least according to this website they are: http://www.netrino.com/Publications/...ndianness.html

Well, what confuses me is this. I outputted the unsigned integer FFFF bit by bit from left to right, and it came out like this:

00000000 00000000 11111111 11111111

All i did was bitshift and output in a loop. Well, since intel machines little endian, isnt that backwards? shouldnt it be outputting:

11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000

or am i just not thinking straight right now.....

maybe this should have gone on the tech board...i dunno...i just posted it here...but if it should be on the tech board feel free to move it there