Quote Originally Posted by Xterria
i love it when people correct my spelling it shows how ........ed they are
It's interesting to see how people respond to being corrected, but in all truth I wasn't ........ed about anything. I mean, there wasn't even anything to be ........ed about if you wanna get right down to it. It is just perturbing (like sticking a needle in the eye) to be reading through a sentence and have an error that any even slightly educated person over the age of 13 (let alone a degree-holding scientist) would not make. Sort of how on the radio _every_ day I hear someone say, "I could care less." Argh! They might as well turn me over and take a dump in my ear.

Quote Originally Posted by HybridM
Actually that would be a grammar issue. :P
Thank you for making this observation. Saves me the typing .

While the semantics of your sentence may not be incorrect, syntax is everything in many situations.