Hey admin. Can you please move this to the Random board. I didn't mean to post here. Thanks.

This is the funniest and stupidest thing I've ever done.

I wrote a program for a coworker about a year and a half ago. She wanted to restrict her kids' use of the computer to only when she permitted them to use it. So I wrote a completely fool-proof program that fills up the entire screen and has a password edit box and a "Shutdown" (the computer) button. When it's run it adds itself to the registry to run as a system service upon startup and it disallows any other programs from starting (including the start menu and the windows task manager [on winXP]) and isn't visible in the task manager [on win98].

So, enter me yesterday morning. I was going through a folder of the dozens of programs I've written and came across that one. All of the other apps I ran wouldn't run because they were compiled using MFC as Shared libs instead of static so I had to recompile and rerun. Then I went and ran the locking program and it ran! Woohoo! Then I realized I didn't know the password (which was hardcoded into the app for simplicity's sake). So I tried what I thought was the password and every derivation of it with no success. This is happening on an XP box mind you. So I rebooted to log on with a different account figuring it wouldn't run, but it did. I tried a million different ways from the desktop to kill the program so I could just remove it from the registry or delete the executable, but to no avail.

I finally decided to rip open my computer turn the master into the slave and stick an old drive in as the master so I could go in and modify the bastard. So I did that but the old drive had win98 on it and cannot access the NTFS drive! So I would have to install winXP on the temporary master to get control over the real master to fix the damned thing, but I don't have an XP install disk. Anyway I started downloading winXP last night with my laptop which I figured I would take to work and burn to a cd to boot my home PC with or borrow a copy from a friend (very inconvenient) if I'd have to.

Fortunately I happened to put a copy of the finished program install package on this computer (my pc at work). So I opened up the exe in notepad and located the constants and voila there's the password! So, problem solved (I hope).

Is there any other way aside from luckily finding the password around my program that you can think of? Do you think my switching hard drives and installing XP would work? Oh yeah, btw, I also tried to boot the real master with boot disks (which I had to download because I don't have any), but when I finally got to administrator password I realized I don't know my administrator password. What a moron.