A freind built a AMD computer not too long ago for another friend of mine. The pc was running fine for a month or so, maybe two, and then it started crashing, freezing, normal windows problems.

He brought it to me and i put a fresh copy of xp on it, new ntfs and all. About two days goes by, and he brings it back to me says its dead again. WTF.

Ok, so i go to turn it on, nothing. It powers up, but nothing loads on the monitor (ie it never syncs in), and theres no error codes coming from the motherboard.

I tear the whole pc down, rebuild it. Get it running and load in windows. Ok, looking good it seems. So i restart it, no changes made i just want to check it for a secure reboot.

The computer starts up, slams into the bios on its own, and tells me to double check the processor speed. So i check, and its set to 2000MHZ, which is correct.

So i confirm this setting, and the pc reboots and tries to load windows....no hard drive detected....wtf.

Reboot, loads into windows.....blue screen. W...T...F....

So i tear it all down, wash, rinse, and repeat.

Now its back to turning on, nothing happening, and no error codes. I'm at a loss on this thing. My tech instincts say that we have an obvious mobo/proc issue, but that means trying to get ASUS and AMD to cough up some warrenties, and he never sent in ANY cards.

So....heres some system specs, let me know what you think.

AMD Athlon XP chip, 2GHZ
ASUS Mobo...not sure which one cuz i cant get that far and theres no tags.
40gig Western Digital
256MB Ram
Windows XP (somewhere in there)