Thread: Help!

  1. #31
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    well could u help me with the side scrolloer so i can put my links in i want to seperate the page into 2 parts
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  2. #32
    Registered User major_small's Avatar
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    i already told you how... did you try it?
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    Last Updated on: Wed, 30 Aug, 2006 @ 2:30 PM EDT

  3. #33
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    ya i did i put it on the advanced html area and i put it on the page but it doesnt do anything when I load the page
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  4. #34
    Registered User major_small's Avatar
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    i'm lost now... tell me exatcly what you did?
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    Last Updated on: Wed, 30 Aug, 2006 @ 2:30 PM EDT

  5. #35
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    ok well im using aol hometown to run my webpage it has an advanced html option so i can put things in ok now when i put the second scroller on so i can split the page into 2 parts so i can have a place to put my links..... so when i save it on there i go to preview it with my web browser and the thing doesnt appear
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  6. #36
    PC Fixer-Upper Waldo2k2's Avatar
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    read a freaking tutorial already, you have no clue whats going on.
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  7. #37
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    plz delete ur post i will not have bashing in my post also ive been to that $$$$ing site it sucks ass it doesn't help me a bit
    so learn and think before u speak
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  8. #38
    PC Fixer-Upper Waldo2k2's Avatar
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    >>plz delete ur post

    >> i will not have bashing in my post
    as opposed to swearing?

    >>it sucks ass it doesn't help me a bit
    thats funny, taught me everything I know (and that's quite a bit)

    >>so learn and think before u speak
    you're one to talk

    Listen, you don't have the basics down. That site will help you if you read it, also do it has interactive exercises with the lessons.
    Somehow though i don't think you should be allowed near a computer, or out in public.
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  9. #39
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    been there to doesnt help me with what i need
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  10. #40
    PC Fixer-Upper Waldo2k2's Avatar
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    >>doesnt help me with what i need

    what you need is to find another board, whenever someone suggests something you tell them it's crap and it won't help you. You know C you said, so why the hell are you having such trouble with html? All you have to do is this:
    		<font color="red">
    			This is an example page with red font
    so stay away from those lame editors from aol and just code it all by hand and read up on more tutorials. That's all that's going to help you...I dont' think people appreciate you shooting down advice and asking people to write code for you.
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  11. #41
    Join Date
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    I agree with Waldo2k2. He has a fairly good grasp on what he's saying.

    A few general thoughts came to mind while reviewing this thread of yours Mr. Joe100 -

    1. Are you 13?
    2. Did you fail English?
    3. Man, your grammar, punctuation, and text is plain hard and annoying to read.
    4. HTML Goodies is one of the best plain HTML websites IMO.
    5. HTML, IMO, is way more basic and easy than C/C++, so you should have no trouble. I've written a few programs(In C) to scan a folder on my computer for JPGs and then create an HTML page to display them - I have a good idea where I'm coming from.
    6. My website Bits & Pieces uses a frame setup.

    My website is very very basic, as you can tell(if you even looked, heh). Why? Because I've made a few websites myself, and I have no time for anything elaborate anymore. I used to have a more complex layout, but it was too time consuming. I concentrate on content.

    Before you even think about trying to speak again please think of the following:

    - You need to be more open to other people's suggestions.

    - When you are trying to explain a problem, please use a grammar and spelling level beyond 3rd grade so we all can understand you more clearly, _hence_ helping you more effectively.

    - Try to resist from displaying an attitude, this will yield lots of results.

    - HTML goodies has tutorials which cover very basic HTML concepts, and then tutorials which cover more complex topics. Use them wisely, many others already have.

    - Try to code with a very bare-bones document editing program such as notepad, or EditPad Lite, or something similar. Don't get too fancy. All you need is a text editor which has decent tab configuration, and some way to immediately open your html output with the press of a button. Stay away from any type of junk program which generates code for you. You will only be robbing yourself.
    Last edited by Shadow; 10-19-2003 at 01:22 AM.
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

  12. #42
    Registered User major_small's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Shadow
    - Try to code with a very bare-bones document editing program such as notepad, or EditPad Lite, or something similar. Don't get too fancy. All you need is a text editor which has decent tab configuration, and some way to immediately open your html output with the press of a button. Stay away from any type of junk program which generates code for you. You will only be robbing yourself.
    tip of the day right there... jeebus... AOL hometown? why do they call it advanced... IMO, you should at least know a good amount of HTML to create any website... I'll give you leeway for using a WYSIWYG for the exact placement and DIV layer stuff, but come on...

    Originally posted by Joe100
    ok well im using aol hometown to run my webpage it has an advanced html option so i can put things in ok now when i put the second scroller on so i can split the page into 2 parts so i can have a place to put my links..... so when i save it on there i go to preview it with my web browser and the thing doesnt appear
    I told you several times already, but i'll do it again:

    A. Page One
      1. This defines the frames
      2. put the code i gave you before into it
      3. see code below (again)
      4. link to this page ONLY
      5. name it something (index.html if it's your index page)
    B. Page Two
      1. this defines the left side
      2. name it the same thing you named it in page one  (leftpage.html)
      3. write it so that everything will fit where you want it
      4. the scroller will appear when your content goes below the length of the page
    C. Page Three
      1. this is your main page
      2. name this page what you named it in page one (rightpage.html)
      3. it will appear on the right side of your page
      4. it's own scroller will appear when your content goes below the page length
    *code tags used for spacing

    <frameset cols="16%,*"> 
    <frame src="leftpage.html" name="navigation"></frame>
    <frame src="rightpage.html" name="main"></frame>
    Last edited by major_small; 10-19-2003 at 09:34 AM.
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    Last Updated on: Wed, 30 Aug, 2006 @ 2:30 PM EDT

  13. #43
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    Well i found the code but I ran into another problem

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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    i need someone to help with the height on this becuase its like pushing my page down and i want it to like be all the items tightly together
    Last edited by Joe100; 10-19-2003 at 09:40 AM.
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


  14. #44
    Registered User major_small's Avatar
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    <table border="1" width="99%" bordercolor="#333333" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000" height="716" background="images/wall2.jpeg">
    your assuming that my screen is 716 pixels high?

    just one more thing...
    All contents on this page are copyrighted © by the site owner any copying of these contents will be dealt with by the law
    so your saying that these are copyrighted by you?
    because i know i've seen all of them before...

    and your going to take credit for all this:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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    ...but you can't create frames?
    Last edited by major_small; 10-19-2003 at 09:57 AM.
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    Last Updated on: Wed, 30 Aug, 2006 @ 2:30 PM EDT

  15. #45
    Registered User Joe100's Avatar
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    no im not but most of the pics are mine that i made ok all contents and writing im so sorry i didn't specify master
    anyway no thats not what i want to change thats the width of the item i want to chang the height of it the bar is pushing my items on my page apart as u could see lol and also to add to this no i cant make frames lol do i have to write the content in the advanced html item with the frame code or can i just leave it without the content in the advanced html or can i do both and if i can which one is easier
    Last edited by Joe100; 10-19-2003 at 05:27 PM.
    "Be Quick Or Be Dead"


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