
As this neither language- nor platform-specific, I'll post this here. I'm looking into making a tone generator program. As far as I can tell, this involves generating sine waves at different frequencies and amplitudes, a bit like so:-
int i;
double scale;
unsigned char ucBuffer[48000]; //48KHz sampling rate, 8-bit mono
unsigned char *pData;

scale = (2 * PI) / 48000;
pData = ucBuffer;
for (i=0;i<48000;i++)
	*(pData++) = (unsigned char)sin(i * scale);
However, when I pass this to an output device, I either hear nothing at all or some weird "clicking" or "popping". Am I going deaf?

I know the code above is too simple to produce anything meaningful, but I'm heading in the right direction, aren't I?