Thread: MATLAB Help

  1. #1

    Question MATLAB Help

    I have been trying to write an m file in matlab which can plot a
    function which changes within the limits.

    I can plot a function within a given limit. But the function I
    have to plot is discontinuous.

    The function is

    y = exp(x+1) x < -1
    y = 2 + cos(pi*x) -1 <= x < 5
    y = 10(x - 5) + 1 x >=5

    And I want to plot y for -2 < x < 6

    I can plot if it is simply y = exp(x+1) for -2 < x < 6
    but there are three conditions on the top. how do i
    write the m file ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Groningen (NL)
    Using the different intervals perhaps? First plot from -2 to -1, then from -1 to 5 and finally from 5 to 6. You could put that into the array in which you store the signal and then plot the array.

  3. #3

    Unhappy Here's what I tried so far

    Here's what I tried so far... it doesn't work though.. it says the vectors are not equal. i am a beginner, i dont know what it is talking about.

    for x = [-2 : 1 : 6]
    if x < -1
    i = [-2 : 0.1 : -9.9];
    u = polyval(exp(i+1), i);

    if x >= -1
    if x < 5
    j = [-1 : 0.1 : 4.8];
    v = polyval(2 + cos(pi*j), j);

    if x > 5
    k = [5 : 0.1 : 6];
    w = polyval(10*(k-5)+1, k);

    x = [-2 : .1 : 5.9];

    plot (x, u, x, v, x, w)

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