I'm doing a project for school on PowerPoint, so I have a couple of questions.

1) If insert a picture, or movie, or something like that, do I need to have a copy of that picture.movie with the presentation, or can I have the *.ppt file by itself on a disk, and still have it run fine on powerpoint?

2) This one has nothing to do with PowerPoint, but it's related so I thought i'd post these together: the whole presentation starts off with a simulation of a possible war with Iraq, culminating with the US sending a stealth to drop a nuclear bomb on Baghdad. While the stealth is on it's way, I change the subject to the actual assignment (I wanted to have a bit of fun - I got some cool new special effects) - which is just explaining the history of flight from 1900 - 1945. The title for the movie/presentation that I'm thinking of right now is Wormwood. There is a biblical prophecy about a star that falls from heaven, called Wormwood, glowing, poisons the water (the water "becomes" wormwood), and it causes Armageddon. Notice the similarities between this and a Hydrogen bomb. It's based on fusion (like a star), etc... What's your opinion on the name (please don't use "The Bible isn't true" as an excuse - I don't want to cause another thread that's 48 pages of "Your opinion sucks because...". Please just tell me what you think, or if you've got any other suggestions.

Thanks a lot if you can help.

Also - I'm trying to get the music from the show Tour of Duty. If you know where I can download the beginning and ending themes (I want the second beginning theme, not Paint it Black), please tell me. I found one site that agreed to send them to me, but they're taking a long time.