Got a strange problem.

Upgraded to a 30G hd because I was running out of room on my win95 osr2 partition. Partitioned and formatted 20G of the new drive and reinstalled from a recovery set using HP Simple Backup. Everything works so far except Speed Disk from Norton System Works 1.0. (I know it's outdated, but it's always worked fine.) It gets about 30 percent into sorting files and stalls. Cpu activity pegs at 100 percent. Left it sitting an hour that way once and it never came to. Weird thing is that Microsoft's defrag works fine.

Can't find anything on Symantek's site that would explain it. And since 1.0 is outdated they don't even want you to email them with a question. Anyone know if there are any disk/partition size limitation on the earlier versions of Speed Disk.

I don't use Grub or Lilo, I warm boot with loadlin out of a dos boot menu so the linux partition shouldn't be the problem. Always worked fine before. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling System Works, same problem. The only things I can think of that have changed are partion size and my having restored from a HP Simple Backup cdrom archive.