This is long, but important so bear with me

I turned on my computer tonight and as usually, there was the single BIOS beep. Nothing strange. However, when autoexec.bat loaded, the last line said

"Cannot find file WIN.COM, unable to continue loading Windows..."

I pulled out my Win98 startup disk, and used the SYS C: command to ensure that any corrupted 98 startup files were restored. I rebooted, but received the same message. I tried to access Safe Mode, but this didn't work.

So once more, I rebooted, and got the same message!

I realised that I hadn't check to see if the file was on my C:\ drive. I accessed the Windows directory, and after a dir command, found that I did in fact have WIN.COM. So I typed


at the command prompt. This somehow got me into safe mode. I checked for any viruses while here, and found none.

So I rebooted, got the same message, but this time I followed the same procedure of manually running WIN.COM. This actually booted up Windows 98.

Now what I want to ask is, what do you think the problem is here - what can I do to ensure that WIN.COM is always found upon startup?

