I would like to know how the professionals among you write proffessional code.

I downloaded an example that Adrianxw wrote (that button thing). And noticed some interesting things, like he declares every variable on a new line, puts every argument on a new line. Why, was this just for a easy readable example or will this truly benefit when you write large programs?

Also how do you handle realy large WndProc (WindowFunc in the example) Because, If you have a large menu, big WM_PAINT, Scrollbar and all that stuff in it, it can be very big. And it would be hard to read or find anything in it.

And how about global variables. Do you say they are the devil?
Is it better to make a function pass 10 variables then make a few global?

How many line of code do you usually put in one file?

Let's hear it proffies. Give the amateur some pointers

Also, maybe attach some programs you made, they don't have to be complete or working.
It is just to learn the style