I figure a sticky for this sorta stuff should be made and I think the title I chose seems suitable, admin feel free to change it if you do sticky the thread, anyways I found this:


I tried attaching it to the post to circumvent a the unlikely event of a broken link in the future but it was too big apparantly, I'll leave adding a copy of the doc to the site for admin to do if they deem it necessary and they can just edit my post to include the link or make their own post. for people who understand code better than what common math sources provide, the next link does just that although it's less exhaustive, I think I've mentioned this before but I didn't bookmark the thread so I'll just add it to this one:

GitHub - Jam3/math-as-code: a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form

If anyone else know of similar resources please post it, even if this thread doesn't get stickied I'd like to be able to see as many variations of describing symbols I don't yet understand until I actually do undertsand the symbol/s