my apologies for posting an Objective-C question to the C section... I thought maybe some of you would also be versed in the ways of Objective-C... please, you don't even know what a dearth of help for Objective-C students exists out there... have pity.

I am trying to call a method of one class from inside another classes' method. Specifically, I have a method that can set the x and y points inside a class called XYPoint. This defines the "origin" of a shape, like a rectangle. I have another Rectangle class that uses the XYPoint class.

When I call the XYPoint set method... it works fine.

[point1 setX: 50 setY: 50];

but inside the Rectangle class...

[ptB setX: self.origin.xPoint setY: (self.origin.yPoint + self.height)];

it doesn't work. I have included the truncated program below... I also tried allocating and initializing my "ptB" variable... didn't help. I'm lost...

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface XYPoint: NSObject

-(double) xPoint;
-(double) yPoint;
-(void) setX: (double) x;
-(void) setY: (double) y;
-(void) setX: (double) x setY: (double) y;


@implementation XYPoint
    double xPoint;
    double yPoint;

-(void) setX: (double) x
    xPoint = x;

-(void) setY: (double) y
    yPoint = y;

-(double) xPoint
    return xPoint;

-(double) yPoint
    return yPoint;

-(void) setX: (double) x setY: (double) y;
    xPoint = x;
    yPoint = y;


@interface Rectangle: NSObject

-(double) width;
-(double) height;
-(void) setWidth: (double) w;
-(void) setHeight: (double) h;
-(XYPoint *) origin;
-(void) setOrigin: (XYPoint *) pt;
-(void) setWidth: (double) w setHeight: (double) h;
-(double) area;
-(double) perimeter;
-(void) translate: (XYPoint *) pt;
-(BOOL) containsPoint: (XYPoint *) aPoint;
-(Rectangle *) intersect: (Rectangle *) rect;

-(XYPoint *) origin
    return origin;

-(void) setOrigin: (XYPoint *) pt
    origin = pt;

-(BOOL) containsPoint: (XYPoint *) aPoint
    BOOL inX, inY;

    if (self.origin.xPoint < aPoint.xPoint && aPoint.xPoint < self.width)
        inX = TRUE;
        inX = FALSE;

    if (self.origin.yPoint < aPoint.yPoint && aPoint.yPoint < self.height)
        inY = TRUE;
        inY = FALSE;

    if (inX && inY)
        contains = TRUE;
        contains = FALSE;

    return contains;

-(Rectangle *) intersect: (Rectangle *) rect
    Rectangle *tempRect = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
    XYPoint *tempPoint = [[XYPoint alloc] init];
    [tempRect setWidth: 0 setHeight: 0];
    [tempPoint setX: 0 setY: 0];
    tempRect.origin = tempPoint;

    ptA = self.origin;
    [ptB setX: self.origin.xPoint setY: (self.origin.yPoint + self.height)];
    [ptC setX: (self.origin.xPoint + self.width) setY: (self.origin.yPoint + self.height)];
    [ptD setX: self.origin.xPoint setY: (self.origin.yPoint + self.height)];

    ptE = rect.origin;
    [ptF setX: rect.origin.xPoint setY: (rect.origin.yPoint + rect.height)];
    [ptG setX: (rect.origin.xPoint + rect.width) setY: (rect.origin.yPoint + rect.height)];
    [ptH setX: rect.origin.xPoint setY: (rect.origin.yPoint + rect.height)];


    return tempRect;


int main(void)
        Rectangle *rect1 = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
        Rectangle *rect2 = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
        Rectangle *newRect = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
        XYPoint *point1 = [[XYPoint alloc] init];
        XYPoint *point2 = [[XYPoint alloc] init];

        [point1 setX: 200 setY: 420];
        [point2 setX: 400  setY: 300];

        [rect1 setWidth: 250 setHeight: 75];
        [rect2 setWidth: 100 setHeight: 180];
        rect1.origin = point1;
        rect2.origin = point2;

        newRect = [rect1 intersect: rect2];


    return 0;
