I just started a new job and while it's very nice, they're kind of in the dark ages in the sense that they don't use a lot of modern practices. Not only do they not backup their data, but they don't use any sort of versioning etc.

I have never used a revision control system outside of paid solutions and would like to implement something at work quickly that:
- tight integration with Windows (I'm seeing TortoiseSVN and such)
- simple
- check in/check out (implied already probably)
- client-server based
- works with binary files

Basically I just want to throw something on an old computer, and then back up the files for the revision control system. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak. We won't really be revising code, it's more of RSLogix files and CAD drawings. All I really need is the check-in check-out ability though.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Right now I'm looking at Subversion + TortoiseSVN.