Give one example of a data value that can be stored in a variable which has been declared with each of the following data types:
a.)Boolean type
b.)String type
c.)Integer type
d.)Real type
-i cant seem to comprehend the question given...
Give one example of a data value that can be stored in a variable which has been declared with each of the following data types:
a.)Boolean type
b.)String type
c.)Integer type
d.)Real type
-i cant seem to comprehend the question given...
Seroiusly? You don't know what data types are?
Pull out your C textbook (or any decent online tutorial) and start reading.
a) 1
b) C does not have a string type
c) 1
d) 1
i dont get it
found an old exercises about program designing and the answer key is GONE unfortunately..
just for fun, test your knowledge...
1.)For each of the following, state which kind of program development aid is involved:
a.)Extracting and printing data from files.
b.)Providing large volumes of data with which to allow programs to be tested exhaustively.
c.)Monitoring the execution of a program, allowing the programmer to interrupt execution in order to track down or fix bugs
d.)Designing screen layouts, which are then processed and turned into appropriate program code.
e.)Making use of prototyping to reduce development time and programming effort.
2.)Explain with an example what is meant by "stepwise refinement"
3.) Explain what is meant by "structured programming"
4.)Briefly explain white box testing.
5.)Explain and give an example of each, for the two types of errors which can be found in testing and debugging a program.
more to come...
See the last point.
This is interesting too.
C programming resources:
GNU C Function and Macro Index -- glibc reference manual
The C Book -- nice online learner guide
Current ISO draft standard
CCAN -- new CPAN like open source library repository
3 (different) GNU debugger tutorials: #1 -- #2 -- #3
cpwiki -- our wiki on sourceforge
Threads merged and moved (FWIW).
If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.
So Mr I Don't Getit turns out to be a troll....
Quelle Surprise.
yes but CommonTater... why would people do such a stupidity! I mean what's in it for them ????
That's what I don't get ....