First, who taught you to write code on 1 line like that?

for (int i = 0; i < 100000 ; i++) 
      FILE *pFile = fopen( "text.txt" , "at"); 
      fprintf( pFile, "1234567890feoiv jeoifjonfrjobejrgojbomerjgobogorgmborjbo\n" ); 

   FILE *pFile = fopen( "text.txt" , "at"); 
   fprintf( pFile, "VERSION:1:TIME:%d\n" , timeGetTime() - dwPre ); 
   fclose( pFile );
First of all I'm surprised it compiles. My C documentation does not show an "at" mode for file io at all. That's not to say it doesn't exixt, but it's not part of standard C.

Secondly it's not much of a benchmark... there is no intial time marker, only one at the end. Then there's the matter that it's going to be entirely dependent on a huge number of variables such as disk buffering, file fragmentation, other processes running at the time and of course the always present variability in Windows time sharing.

Why does the time for this vary so much? Quite probably because the server showing you the painfully slow results is also the busiest of the bunch...