Thread: Good XML Parser

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Good XML Parser

    I'm creating a tool for my 3D engine right now that converts Collada model format to my own format.

    So far, I'm on the process on reading the said format which needs a xml parser for c++ using rapidxml.

    Does all parser loads like let say. node->first_child() or node->next_sibling(). I mean.. sequentially? I guess that's the right word. Here take a look at my code:

    for (node = node->first_node(); node; node = node->next_sibling())
    			cout << "Name of node: " << node->name() << endl;
    			if( !strcmp(node->name(), "asset") )
    				for (xml_node<> *assetnode = node->first_node(); assetnode; assetnode = assetnode->next_sibling())
    					if( !strcmp(assetnode->name(), "contributor") )
    						for (xml_node<> *contributornode = assetnode->first_node(); contributornode; contributornode = contributornode->first_node())
    							if( !strcmp(contributornode->name(), "author") )
    								cout << contributornode->name() << " = '" << contributornode->value() << "'" << endl;
    					else if( !strcmp(assetnode->name(), "created") )
    						cout << assetnode->name() << " = '" << assetnode->value() << "'" << endl;
    					else if( !strcmp(node->name(), "modified") )
    						cout << assetnode->name() << " = '" << assetnode->value() << "'" << endl;
    			else if( !strcmp(node->name(), "library_effects") )
    				//Do something
    				node = node->next_sibling();
    So with that question on my mind, I look at the assimp source code and found out that they use irrXml which read a xml in different way. Now, they use something like mReader->read() (this one just read and don't check any siblings I guess. or I mean without passing a node to another node to another like the one in bold above.) then check something like mReader->getName() == "Aha!" ...

    or maybe I just do it wrong?

    What bothers me right now is that I think my codes are really messy. So, can anyone here suggest a good fast xml parser that loads maybe 50mb ~ 500mb+ xml fast.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Not sure if it is up to the task but I use tinyxml and it works really well. Perhaps it isn't the best but it is free and it is easy to use.

    Another option might be xerces xml but I forget where to get it.

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