Quote Originally Posted by brewbuck View Post
What would be the point? If I want a smaller medium, I can buy an 8 gig USB stick that fits in my pocket.
The point is it is cheaper for manufacturers to mass produce CD-Rom media that don't have any electronic circuitry than USB sticks. And a CD-Rom costs a few cents, compared to the cost of a USB stick. Music and software could be distibuted via CD-Rom, rather than USB stick. All that's really required is a way to squeeze more data onto minidiscs.

People are saying the size should remain the same for backwards compatibility, which is understandable, but backwhards compatibility should not be an impediment to innovation. And hardware migration is not an entirely new concept.

People still use LP players to play records, and still use tape players to play cassettes. I don't see why CD-Rom drives can't be used to play legacy CD-Roms, while new media is employed.