Hi all, I've become quite frustrated with a problem and so I seek help from the powerful minds that congregate here.

The main device I work on has a large COTS piece of hardware that operates, and sends us packets, at 60hz. We use these incoming packets as a timer for a large number of processes.

Recently we developed a stripped down device for our customer that offers 75% capability at 20% of the price. One of the things to get cut was this hardware that sends us packets at 60hz.

Because we no longer have a hardware timer I attempted to write a 60hz software timer(using QueryPerfromanceCounter() and the like). This works great on my desktop, unfortunately the machines in the device are both slower and running a lot of processes which causes the software timer to be slow by about 8 seconds per hour.

So now I'm searching for cheap hardware solution. I know they exist, I just can't figure out the proper search phrase(I've been looking on and off for a bout a month). Does anybody know of a simple device that can output a signal to RS-232 at 60hz?
