
Is there anywhere I can go to get an objective overview over how fast different languages are compared to each other? Im not looking for what langues are the fastest for certien operations, but more as a programming languages as a whole.

I know that c/c++ is more or less the fastest you can get unless your willing to do crazy assembly stuff and is a guru when it comes to programming, my main goal is to see how big the difference is.

The reason for why I am asking is that I have grown very found of c#, but I am often being told that it is a lot slower the c when it comes to pure data processing, and the program I am looking into starting on now is a ray tracer and I do not want to spend ages working on it only to later find that I could get a 25% speed increase or something by simply redoing it i c.

And, I am not looking into starting a flame war, if admins feel that this is a bad road to go down, feel free to close this thread.
