I get an external IP, actually. In this instance, my school is my ISP. (It's a college.) I'll randomize a few numbers for an example:

I'll get the following, for example: = my IP = gateway = subnet mask

My understanding was that if (some_ip & netmask) and (gateways_ip & netmask) differed, then some_ip was on a different network, and the packet would be routed to the gateway to get it there. Now, following that logic, my network for the IP address I'm getting is not the same as the gateway's network. This raises to me, how do you route a packet to the gateway, if it's not in your network? I believe this is why route is choking in the dhcpcd's configure process.

The odd thing is that Window's succeeds in these places, but it seems to get 2 IPs - one from the DHCP server that's giving me issues, and one from a more common server. I might have to poke more. There seem to be entries for both in the routing table in windows - which is _huge_ compared to the usual 3 entries in Linux.

I was thinking of contacting the network admin -- that was mostly the point of the post. I wanted to make sure I'm on the right track before I contact them.