Why does it seems like every friggin web site I go to, I get slow response? This is getting really annoying. Up to 45 seconds for some sites to load. Some sites, their pages don't even load properly it takes so long. Is it me? Do I just have the worst luck on the planet that the sites I choose to frequent are all causing me to grow old before my time??? (OK, no jokes on that one)

This site is "... ok ...". Probably the best of all the ones I frequent.

This site
never loads properly the first time each day. If I open another TAB to go to a different forum on that site,
after trying the first, it loads reasonably fast, and properly.

Then, this site takes a long time. Sometimes 45 seconds:

Same with this one:

Then, this site
really sucks. I gave up after a minute.

Can anyone see anything in common? Am I a sucker for following websites that numbskulls design without performance in mind???

One of the observations I've made, is that it seems my browser isn't properly caching images like I think it ought to - like the little smilies and gif that riddle so many pages. How can I test this?

If I go to speakeasy.net/speedtest, (which takes about 6 seconds to load), it tells me that I get 17mb+ download speeds and just under 1.5mb upload speeds. I pay for a fast connection, and the speed test tells me I'm getting it. Is the speed test company in cahoots with my ISP? Could my ISP be governing my speeds below what I'm paying for?

Signed, Frustrated, Impatient and Paranoid.