Thread: debugger

  1. #1
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    does anyone know of a program that can look at a source code with a bug, but you cant find it. so the program looks at it to searhc for possible anwers. i am using dev c++ 4 .
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  2. #2
    Banned master5001's Avatar
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    I know of two. One is my brain (like many other programmers out there) the other is my compiler--more importantly my compiler not compiling broken code. Unless you mean there is an actual bug in the way your code works cuz then you are stuck with your brain. But debuggers can usually help. I'd recommend the Insight debugger. It is a visual version of GDB. It is also a good idea to have GDB (I think you have it). On Dev-C++ you can go to the compiler options and turn on the debug option.

    If you don't have the Insight debugger I think it can be found on cygwin's site. And on a side not Insight doesn't require cygwin.

    <edit>I think bloodshed's site has a links to both debuggers</edit>

  3. #3
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    there is a program called lint that does that kind of thing. it originally worked with C code, but i'm sure there's a C++ version somewhere.
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
    Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.

  4. #4
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    any with a direct link to a debugger? (or page)
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  5. #5
    Banned master5001's Avatar
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    You're killin' me here. I told you go to bloodshed's site, they have links to both gdb and insight....Here is a link to insight. Bloodshed's url is They have a lot of links to various tools there.

  6. #6
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    i looked on BOTH but i coudlnt find it thats why i asked for a direct link
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  7. #7
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    i tried to use tyhe insight once but i dont get how ot works cause it wont let me open a .cpp source file
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  8. #8
    Klinner1, youre so stupid! There is one right inside Dev 4!! No more typos, ok?

  9. #9
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    yes but it only works if you have a working exe file witch i do not have cuase of the god damn bugs
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  10. #10
    Registered User fletch's Avatar
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    yes but it only works if you have a working exe file witch i do not have cuase of the god damn bugs
    I would just like to point out that this was written by Klinerr1 and it only has four spelling/grammatical errors. It's snowing somewhere

    witch -> which
    cuase -> cause
    i -> I
    yes -> Yes,
    "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence."
    Morris Kline

  11. #11
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    i is NOT important enough to be I. wut if i was saying...

    purple ballons, yes!

    whitch umm my bad...

    and get into the style yo! no one ever says cause cuase is in da house!

    --- yoy i havnt said nad or rae! or aer(are)
    Last edited by Klinerr1; 07-29-2002 at 06:48 PM.
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Klinerr1, you are a complete idiot. It's people like you that ruin BBs like this.
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
    Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    fletch: have you noticed the typo in his location information?
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
    Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.

  14. #14
    location information?

  15. #15
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
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    May 2002
    oops the previous post was me

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