
Type: Posts; User: badCProgrammeur

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  1. Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!
  2. HTTP response body is outputting 2 empty "ENTER" spaces

    Hello, I have written an HTTP client that outputs to a file the contents of the body of an HTTP response. It completely eliminates the header of the response.

    I have run into one conundrum...
  3. Hey Salem, I have made numerous modifications and...

    Hey Salem, I have made numerous modifications and I am not getting any errors to be honest (never actually did).

    myMac:ProgrammingProjects Moussa$ !496
    g++ -g http_client.cpp -o http_client...
  4. Thanks for that, that has helped a lot. My brain...

    Thanks for that, that has helped a lot. My brain is drained after all this. I think I am making one mistake. Let's say that you are making a GET Request to a URL that has 2 levels in its full path...
  5. Hello @christop, thanks for chiming in. So I...

    Hello @christop, thanks for chiming in. So I guess my string is missing the host header then.
  6. @Salem, I have changed the code for send, and I'm...

    @Salem, I have changed the code for send, and I'm not sure why still my code for the GET request is generating a different result from the browser. One thing I did notice though besides the...
  7. The http GET request is definitely different when...

    The http GET request is definitely different when made from the browser. In comparison:


    I noticed that IPv4 addresses are different from my browser, the IPv4 address of the test server is...
  8. Thanks for your input Salem. I did a wireshark...

    Thanks for your input Salem. I did a wireshark trace with some of the modifications you suggested. I noticed in the three-way tcp handshake that there are ECN and CWR bits set. I assume that these...
  9. Hello Salem I made the suggested changes: ...

    Hello Salem I made the suggested changes:

    //Logic for HTTP GET Request

    string http_request = "GET /" + file_to_get + " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";

    cout << http_request << endl;

  10. Thanks Salem for your input. I greatly appreciate...

    Thanks Salem for your input. I greatly appreciate it! I am new to socket programming, so please pardon my ignorance, I specified a buffer of 999mb in the recv buffer because I wanted to have the...
  11. My Client Socket Program not receiving response

    I created a simple http client socket program that fetches data via a GET Request. Sadly, it does not seem to be returning a http response (it seems to freeze). The request appears t be valid and...
Results 1 to 11 of 11