
Type: Posts; User: tsubotakid1

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  1. Poll: Oh! Another thing...

    If the Lego thing doesn't work... what steps need to be taken to "embed an os" into our robot. This is something that i brought up to our teacher (and i recommended the mindstorms too... but i don't...
  2. Poll: Thanks guys!

    Hi! Thank you both for your valuable info (and sorry about the poll, i'm not sure how it got up, but i couldn't get it to go away). Anyways, about the LEGO Mindstorms... Our robot is going to be...
  3. Poll: Total newb to programming here... Question about the many programming languages. Ty!

    Hi! I'm 15 years old and my "homeschool" (it's actually a group of about 15 kids) is building a six-legged robot. So far, we have everything assembled/operational with throwswitches. My teacher wants...
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