
Type: Posts; User: Seag

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  1. Replies

    That definitely runs with my code, I forgot to...

    That definitely runs with my code, I forgot to put brackets around pa and pb before. Geez

    It doesn't fix my bad_access error, which makes me think that my real problem is how I'm...
  2. Replies

    Thank you for the suggestion, though casting it...

    Thank you for the suggestion, though casting it as you pointed out doesn't allow me access to the members of the struct. I would have to cast it like:

    Entries *pa = (Entries*)a;

    Either way, I...
  3. Replies

    Qsort an array of chars nested in a struct


    I've searched through many code examples and think that I have the correct compare function, but my problem is that when I run the code, I get an error EXC_BAD_ACCESS. XCode points to the...
  4. Ah, that makes sense. For some reason I forgot...

    Ah, that makes sense. For some reason I forgot about using strncmp to limit how many characters were read, so any junk at the end would be ignored. Thank you very much, that fixed my bug! :)
  5. Error copying a slice of one array to another array

    Hello, I have done quite a bit of searching for a solution, and have implemented something similar, but am still getting a bug. The function that I think is giving me problems is:

  6. That worked perfectly thank you! This is what...

    That worked perfectly thank you! This is what happens when you're still tapping away at 4am before finally calling it a night. I really appreciate it!

    Because of your input, I also realized that...
  7. Need help with File IO and fgetc not reading input correctly

    Hello there,

    I'm reading a dictionary file into a program and reading character by character with fgetc. I then use a switch statement to deal with each character read in. Once a full word or...
Results 1 to 7 of 8