
Type: Posts; User: heatblazer

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  1. Replies

    Undefined behaviour?

    Undefined behaviour?
  2. Replies

    Unknown woriking code on merging arrays


    I am reading a code, that is working, but I think it's wrong, and it should crash, but it does not. It merges Array1 into Array2 if there is enough space in Array2 to fit it, but first...
  3. Replies

    Simple asci drawing algorithm

    Hello, it`s not exactly C/C++ related even though written in C/C++. It`s an algo to draw a triangle but I am missing one draw iterration.

    static void set_char_at(char* mat, int cols, int x,...
  4. Replies

    Trim function, possible leaks?

    Hello, I am interested if that trim function is OK to be used, with no leaks possible.

    static void trim(char* data)
    char* begin= data;
    char* end = &data[aux_strlen(data)-1];
  5. Replies

    UNIX mkfifo fails on a different files

    Hello, I am trying to complete a finite IPC machine. For some unknown reason to me, mkfifo never succeeds. My first few atempts, it does after that it always return a non-zero value (which by the...
  6. Thanks, I`ll consider it.

    Thanks, I`ll consider it.
  7. Also my repo is here GitHub -...

    Also my repo is here
    GitHub - heatblazer/unix-ipc: inter proc communication
    anyone who wish to give me a hand is welcome.
  8. I was thinking of 3rd program which is the bridge...

    I was thinking of 3rd program which is the bridge between the two. The sender sends some data, the bridge has the function to work on it, let`s say it populates a struct with char data and return...
  9. That is bad :( Ok what if I made an auxilary .o...

    That is bad :( Ok what if I made an auxilary .o file that is passed to both sender and receiver?
  10. Passing functions via UNIX FIFO, is it possible?

    I am playing with the linx FIFO and mknod. As simple example as opening two programs "sender" and "receiver", and a FIFO between them, it seems that they can exchange buffers. However the...
  11. I`ve found a way to restore the object via the...

    I`ve found a way to restore the object via the cast from the buffer:
    After reading the object to a char buffer with a sufficiet size:

    struct a* pa = (struct a*) buff;

    Also the serialize...
  12. Dump C struct (object) to a file and restore it back (serialize)

    Hello, I am trying to serialize a simple C struct. I am dumping it to a file then try to read and restore it. However I got wrong data. Here is my idea:

    #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>...
  13. Replies

    C socket recv in a infinite loop.

    I have the following code, which I intend to recieve messages form a server but for now it recieves only on send.

    linux-daemon-interface/network at master *...
  14. Replies

    A lockfree example

    Hello, I am experimenting with a lock free simple list for inserting data:

  15. Hello, actually I had a wrong iterator for...

    actually I had a wrong iterator for printing the list, but thanks for the reminder of the joining the threads.

    //node* it = (&s_head);
    node* it = *(&s_head);

    I was iterating to...
  16. thread or mutex SIGTRAP in multiple threads program

    I am trying a multithreaded code but I am recieving sigtrap. I am trying to test a round robin algorithm but somehow I am SIGTRAPing in the atomic_push function.

    typedef struct...
  17. I`ve heard also about offsetof macro which can be...

    I`ve heard also about offsetof macro which can be used to acces N-th member of the struct but how can I achieve this via a raw buffer, that comes from the pipe?
  18. C unix program to call remote procedures with FIFO?

    Hello, first I want to ask if it`s possible to call a remote procedure via FIFO pipe from unix with standart FIFO producer/consumer algorithm?
    Here is my daemon implementation:...
  19. Replies

    C setsid fails


    I am trying to start a test daemon but setsid keeps failing.

    /*pass main`s args here */
    int start(int argc, char** argv)
    //test interface
  20. Linux, get a device for a sound card and identify it


    I need to determine which device has been connected to a linux system, and with what order the devices are connected. Like if DEV1 is connected to SLOT1 it`s OK, etc. However, I don`t want...
  21. Let`s say I need two instances of that class form...

    Let`s say I need two instances of that class form pjsua2: 4. Endpoint — PJSUA2 Documentation 1.0-alpha documentation
  22. Adapt a singleton class to lose it`s singleton feature

    I have a class that is a singleton. However I need more instances of that class, so I am interested do I have to rewrite the class, or I can adapt it to loose that functionality whithout...
  23. Replies

    I do agree with your solution. Thanks :)

    I do agree with your solution. Thanks :)
  24. Replies

    I`ve written a simple type universal macro that...

    I`ve written a simple type universal macro that swaps int 16 or 32 also floats with no problem at all and works for my problems:

    #define ENDIAN_SWAP(Type, Var) \
    { ...
  25. Replies

    Fixed the swap error but still not swaps ...

    Fixed the swap error but still not swaps

    eswap.c[0] = (eswap.c[0] >> 8) | eswap.c[0]<<8 );

    I though that the union and the char array will be in the same address so I can acces 4 8...
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