
Type: Posts; User: Sebastiani

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  1. Replies

    Nope, that's four. I don't think that...

    Nope, that's four.

    I don't think that gives you what you need to reconstruct it...I tried, but couldn't seem to work out the unknowns.

    So there were two methods I was thinking of,...
  2. Replies

    Here's a fun exercise/puzzle: How to represent a...

    Here's a fun exercise/puzzle: How to represent a rectangle on a plane with just 3 values?
  3. Replies

    There's no standardized way to query things like...

    There's no standardized way to query things like screen size and such in C, so that kind of layout isn't going to work. I would just print the label before each value (eg: "[Xn3 : 2] [Xn4: 3]", etc.)...
  4. Replies

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Refinement...

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Refinement comes naturally with experience, and you can always spend time on such things when you have nothing better to do. In the meantime, just concentrate on...
  5. Replies

    Funny story: I saw that movie a while back with...

    Funny story: I saw that movie a while back with friends. So right as the credits start to roll I let out this exasperated "Finally!". All of the sudden I hear this great applause and for a split...
  6. Thread: Functions

    by Sebastiani

    It makes no difference because in either case...

    It makes no difference because in either case you're essentially manipulating a function pointer. One thing you *do* want to be careful with is static variables being used in functions that run in a...
  7. Thread: Functions

    by Sebastiani

    There is no such thing as "passing the function...

    There is no such thing as "passing the function itself". A function is just a block of code that exists at some specific location (address) in memory. So in essense when you see a direct function...
  8. Replies

    C doesn't define any kind of binary interface, so...

    C doesn't define any kind of binary interface, so basically you have to compile the code for each platform. Compilers like GCC can produce output for many different machines (even simultaneously,...
  9. Replies

    For some odd reason, this...

    For some odd reason, this is always the first song that comes to mind when I think about sci-fi/space-travel. :D

    Eh, good sci-fi in film has always been hard to pull off. I guess that's why...
  10. Nope, I quit school and ran away from home at the...

    Nope, I quit school and ran away from home at the age of fifteen, and thenceforth have been the sole provider for myself. I'm self-built, self-taught, and fully capable of making my own way in this...
  11. You know, centuries ago the sort of luxuries that...

    You know, centuries ago the sort of luxuries that we take for granted would have been considered a royal upgrade, to say the least. I think it's fair to say that we are currently living in the most...
  12. I have an uncle who once lost everything in the...

    I have an uncle who once lost everything in the telecom business. He spent weeks living out of his car, trying to reestablish his income flow. Never asked for a penny, but he nonetheless made it out...
  13. I never implied that it was. Like any other...

    I never implied that it was. Like any other state, it's got it's share of good and bad.

    I'm sorry, are you stuck in line at a soup kitchen somewhere? Are things really so bad for you that you...
  14. That's not how capitalism works! You INVEST money...

    That's not how capitalism works! You INVEST money into some venture in hopes of yielding a higher return, that is the basis of capitalism. Yes, this necessarily means that someone in the supply and...
  15. He also lifted the Iron Curtain mate - don't...

    He also lifted the Iron Curtain mate - don't forget that! Besides that, Reagan worked tirelessly to rally non-partisan support and cooperation in legislative matters, making him one of (if not *the*...
  16. >> if (i < buff.size() + 1) o

    >> if (i < buff.size() + 1) o << ",";

    That condition will always be true, so...

    >> if (i % 21) o << "\n";

    You probably want to be checking for a remainder of zero there, don't you think?
  17. Replies

    Sorry, yeah I've been crabby all day. :p ...

    Sorry, yeah I've been crabby all day. :p

    Quantum operators are constructs of QM, and non-commutativity is most certainly an artifact of the mathematics involved.

    First of all, let me...
  18. Replies

    You don't agree with me, fine, but the least you...

    You don't agree with me, fine, but the least you could do is actually formulate an intelligent counterargument, Jackass.
  19. Replies

    Okay, perhaps it isn't well-defined, but AFAIK...

    Okay, perhaps it isn't well-defined, but AFAIK most systems will behave in such a way, so it is still practically true. Just don't bank on it. ;)
  20. Replies

    I'm starting to get the feeling that noone here...

    I'm starting to get the feeling that noone here actually understands the crux of my argument. Well, we've all made our points, let's just move on then...

    Looks like a good book, by the way. :)
  21. Replies

    1) "Deleting" a pointer causes it's destructor to...

    1) "Deleting" a pointer causes it's destructor to be called (if any) and then relinquishes ownership of that chunk of memory back to the system to be used elsewhere. So the pointer itself is still...
  22. Replies

    By the way, here's a statement made by Niels Bohr...

    By the way, here's a statement made by Niels Bohr (himself a proponent of HUP, of course) that might help you understand where I'm coming from:

    "Heisenberg concluded that these uncertainties or...
  23. Replies

    You've misunderstood me. Does HUP describe a...

    You've misunderstood me. Does HUP describe a limitation found in the various QM methods in use today? Yes! Does it describe a natural limitation of the universe? I don't know, but I'm not going to be...
  24. Replies

    I'm not going to argue the semantic differences...

    I'm not going to argue the semantic differences between "law" and "theory" here, they are often enough interchangeable, so I'll just leave it at that. Anyway, your comparison is way off. All physical...
  25. No source? No thanks!

    No source? No thanks!
Results 1 to 25 of 499
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