
Type: Posts; User: Vick jr

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  1. Replies

    I can just turn off the lights while I'm...

    I can just turn off the lights while I'm rendering objects that i don't want affected by them, or turn off lighting in general:

    d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);

    Are saying that...
  2. Replies

    I initialize the material to be red with this...

    I initialize the material to be red with this code:

    D3DMATERIAL9 material;
    ZeroMemory(&material, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL9));
    material.Diffuse = D3DXCOLOR(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); ...
  3. Replies

    D3DXMATERIAL Structure (Windows)...

    D3DXMATERIAL Structure (Windows)

    nope. It returns a LPSTR.
  4. Replies

    directx-how to use no texture

    This (should) be fairly easy.

    I've been using meshes loaded from .x files and also loading materials and textures from them. Now i want to use a custom made material without a texture (just a...
  5. I need only provide the address of the vertex in...

    I need only provide the address of the vertex in the buffer to start computing with, the number of verteces to compute, and the size of each vertex. I can get all of this information directly from my...
  6. I've read the MSDN articles on all these...

    I've read the MSDN articles on all these functions.

    I don't think i should have to clone anything. When I load my mesh from the .x file, Directx automatically creates a vertex buffer of the...
  7. I didn't make my vertex structure of buffer. I...

    I didn't make my vertex structure of buffer. I used the function to load the mesh from a .x file. That results in a LPD3DXMESH. How do u use this to find the address I need to pass to the function?
  8. OK. I understand that part. Now how would I get...

    OK. I understand that part. Now how would I get that address from my LPD3DXMESH?
  9. using D3DXComputeBoundingSphere with LPD3DXMESH

    I have a LPD3DXMESH called g_pMesh.
    I want to find the distance from the local origin of this mesh to its farthest out vertex. (to use as a very simple bounding radius from the local origin)

  10. Yes, you could store a camera like that, and...

    Yes, you could store a camera like that, and create a view matrix with a function like D3DXMatrixLookAtLH , which creates a matrix from the camera position, look at position, and up direction. Then...
  11. Thank you! Dynamic initialization works...

    Thank you! Dynamic initialization works perfectly. There's no double initialization and so no need for any copying. You're right, this is better in the long run anyway. (you learn something new every...
  12. I was going to forgo the position/movement...

    I was going to forgo the position/movement vectors and use matrices instead, so I wouldn't have to construct matrices from them later. However I now have another problem.
  13. problem setting/initializing/copying.reading arrays of meshes

    ####short version###
    I have a mesh class which contains texture, material, and geometry data, as well as a float, "Bounding Radius".

    I am trying to have a class derived from the mesh class called...
  14. I got my camera class working perfectly! I'm...

    I got my camera class working perfectly! I'm storing the yaw, pitch, and roll in floats and the position as a vector. I change the yaw/pitch/roll when i want the camera to look somewhere then...
  15. OK. I get it. I had been trying to have a vector...

    OK. I get it. I had been trying to have a vector represent position, and use it combined with a rotation matrix to make a final transform matrix. I need to make the vector into a matrix first, then...
  16. Those can alter a vector by a matrix. not alter a...

    Those can alter a vector by a matrix. not alter a matrix by a vector. But I think I figured it out now.

    Anyway, if I set my directx device to use a certain matrix as the view matrix, using...
  17. Altering DirectX matrices directly with transforms.

    I'm coming across a lot of instances when I would have an existing D3DXMatrix representing the transform (translation, rotation, and scaling) of an object. However, I often need to alter the...
  18. Replies

    I want to use plain old std::string with regular...

    I want to use plain old std::string with regular single byte ascii chars.

    should this work?

    string file="C:/models/mymodel.x";

    D3DXLoadMeshFromXA(file.c_str());//other args not shown
  19. Replies

    Ah ha! That explains the spaces. I should have...

    Ah ha! That explains the spaces. I should have remembered that streams end with whitespace. I've had problems with that before. Thank you!

    Now, using that function and regular std::string

  20. Replies

    LPCTSTR ends at space

    I'm trying to convert STD:: basic_string<TCHAR> to LPCTSTR. It works, but the result ends at the first space in the original string.

    basic_string<TCHAR> strOutput;
    basic_stringstream<TCHAR> ...
  21. Replies

    By which you mean that whatever created the...

    By which you mean that whatever created the original array must keep it in memory until ClassA is done using the pointer to it? Hemm...

    I was eventually planning on having another overloaded...
  22. Replies

    initialize member array in initializer list?

    I have a class (ClassA) with a member array of instances of another class (Classb).
    In the constructor, I want to send in a pointer to an existing array, as well as the size of the array.

  23. Replies

    LPCTSTR operations/ convertion

    Simple problem:

    how do I do this?...

    LPCTSTR L"Directory/someFileA"
    LPSTR L"someFileB"

    LPCTSTR L"Directory/someFileB"
  24. Replies

    Sorry for bumping. It won't let me edit my post....

    Sorry for bumping. It won't let me edit my post. But I have another question.

    Right now my 3d data is stored in in instances of a 3dobject class. Each 3dobject has a list of verteces, and a list...
  25. Replies

    Ok, I see what you were saying. You meant that...

    Ok, I see what you were saying. You meant that using the inverse of the view matrix* would be wrong because, where the view matrix transforms things from world to view, it's inverse would do the...
Results 1 to 25 of 27
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