Right. So some of you may have seen at one point or another my postings related to the engine/editor I've been hacking away at currently dubbed "Clockwork".

I started the project a few years ago as a learning project, basically. I pretty much learned to program while trying to write this thing, and as a result, it's gone through 5-6 (or more) rewrites, in several different languages.

Currently, it isn't as much a learning project for me anymore. Of course I'm still learning, but I want to treat it as a serious project now, and it's gotten too large for me to tackle (stubbornly) alone anymore.

There's a project overview on the website, although it's a little out of date. There's links to the screenshot gallery there as well.

My last attempt was with the editor portion written in Java, and the engine in C++. I don't think that was quite the best choice anymore. My plan now is to do everything in straight C++, using wxWidgets for the editor GUI.

I mostly need programmers, but anyone interested that I can bounce ideas off of would be helpful as well.

For programmers, in general I need people who know a "decent" amount of C++. I'm not looking for experts or anything - as I said, I'm still learning myself. But you should at least know your way around the language.

The editor will use wxWidgets, so anyone with experience there is welcome. The engine itself isn't as much it's "own" engine anymore, but more a framework tieing together other sub-engines, namely OGRE and Bullet Physics at the moment. Some knowledge of either of these libraries would be nice, but I'm still a little new to them myself. Knowledge of how game engines and such work internally would also be benifical.

And now the post killer . I can't afford to pay. I'm a student, in highschool, working a minimum-wage part-time job. I can't offer a salary, only the possibility of royalties in the future if it ever gets going further, and experience.

If you're interested or want more info, you can post, PM, or throw an email to daniel_at_daniel-cook_dot_net.

I can also post a more recent screenshot of the last build as well, if anyone wants.
