Thread: Odyssey (working title)

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  1. #1
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    Post Odyssey (working title)

    Dear Programmers of,

    This is an ivitation thred/letter aleting all members of That they are eligable to apply for a job as a programmer for Bazerx Entertaiment(TM) for 3-5 dollars, in American money, a month. Payment will increase over the course of time, also depending on how much the company makes during production through pre-orders for the game.

    .::Other Information::.
    Since the game is still in the beginning levels of production --naming, organizing, and gathering job applications—the website is also not at its full throttle all that we do have are the forums. I plan to have the actual website with daily updates on it sometime in early September or late August. Other than that the only other thing I can think of is needing some game designers and the sound specialist which I don’t yet have. Otherwise this can be discussed further at the forums.


    • The game will be programmed in C++ (of course)
    • The engine will probably be made from scratch, but if this causes problems we may use C4. I’m not yet sure which one is more reliable and I’m doing some research on them also. I’ll say which one in the future on the Bazerx forums.
    • The game will be Pay-2-Play like WoW, only I’m hoping to price it a little lower to get more players that don’t want to pay as much as wow.
    [Odyssey] other
    • I’ve also discovered that what makes some MMORPG’s so successful is their console vg like feel, not like they are computer games but a game that should be on the PSP instead. Anyways this will be further discussed on the Bazerx forums also.
    • Note: I also apologize for not being able to pay very much to you all but since I just spent my money on software I don’t have very much money left in my bank. I’m hopping to get more through the donations and pre-orders.

    The forums can be located at

    Jordan Miles,
    Bazerx Entertainment

    ps-email me at [email protected]
    Last edited by Bazerx; 08-17-2007 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered Abuser
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    Dozens of spelling mistakes (3 of which are in the first sentence), insultingly low pay (for that little, you're better of framing it as a volunteer job), attempted engine design, pay-to-play system, PSP-type MMORPG, no hosting, funny-name email... all of these things are glaring signs of a pop'n'fresh video game design.

    Firstly, if your going to make a generic/announcement thread, at least *spell* thread right (along with everything else in the post), otherwise it comes off as spammish which is just insulting to read.
    As for the pay, $3 for a month of work is a bit of nonsense. If you can't afford proper pay, offer it up as a volunteer job for now until the project turns profit (or offer company stocks).
    Also, unless you are backed by millions of dollars for game design (and we know already that you're not), it is highly unlikely you will be able to develop a game anyone is willing to pay-to-play for, let alone an MMORPG, no matter how cheap.
    Thirdly, claiming that you've discovered the E=MC^2 equivalent to MMORPG gaming on the basis of probably nothing more than anecdotal experience will quickly prove just how much you have yet to learn about the genre you want to enter.

    Now I can't make any conclusions, but I'd venture to say you're probably an anxious start-up programmer who has just completed a C/C++/OpenGl/DirectX course/tutorial, and is ready to "go get em" and make some cash. As you might have noticed, this is a comman theme around these forums, and the common response is, unless you know EXACTLY (i.e when you know exactly what designing an engine "from scratch" actually entails) what you are doing, don't expect big things just yet. First try your hand at designing some freeware test games to learn and display your knowledge, then go for the big fish later.

  3. #3
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    I found this in his chat box:
    17 Aug 07, 15:23
    Bazerx: Im going to play wow for more reasearch

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by @nthony View Post
    Dozens of spelling mistakes (3 of which are in the first sentence), insultingly low pay (for that little, you're better of framing it as a volunteer job), attempted engine design, pay-to-play system, PSP-type MMORPG, no hosting, funny-name email... all of these things are glaring signs of a pop'n'fresh video game design.

    Firstly, if your going to make a generic/announcement thread, at least *spell* thread right (along with everything else in the post), otherwise it comes off as spammish which is just insulting to read.....

    Pointing out his spelling errors and spelling "you're" wrong in the same sentence
    Last edited by ieatacid; 08-20-2007 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Broken image

  5. #5
    For Narnia! Sentral's Avatar
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  6. #6
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    Talking Heh

    Sorry I wanted to sound more official than the last guy caused he got totally trashed. so i thought the officialness would help.

    ps- I only play wow for research. (JK) for fun also.

  7. #7
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    Dear Programmers of,

    [center]This is an ivitation thred/letter aleting all members of That they are eligable to apply for a voulenteer job as a programmer for Bazerx Entertaiment(TM) Payment will increase over the course of time, also depending on how much the company makes during production through pre-orders for the game.

    R U happy?

    And besides I just really need some help making this game so if someone would pitch in I would be really glad.

  8. #8
    pwns nooblars
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    I R Not happy!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I want my three bucks for reading this post. Pay up.

  10. #10
    Registered Abuser
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    Notice how I made just one error, as well a very common one, furthermore no edits to my post were made, and nor was it made in solicitation.
    In contrast, the OP made many mindless spelling errors in what he wanted to be considered an "official"-sounding thread; added to the fact that they were still present despite him editing the post and even re-posting it again.

    Sadly, it is apparent that you fail at grasping such concepts and distinguishing between contexts, so next time I would advise that before you create another account in a vain, desperate attempt to sound smart, that you instead invest your efforts into getting a ---ing clue.

  11. #11
    Woof, woof! zacs7's Avatar
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    I'd also like to make my own game, I need some free molders, texturers, programmers, a project manager, oh and an idea.

    Unless you're idea is super fantastic and makes people cry because it's so damned good, finding people to work for free on a menial project that would require billions of man hours, isn't exactly a good idea. What does this game offer? Who would play it? Why should I care?
    You should go through the other topics where people want people to work on their "fantabulous" project.

    If it was an FPS I'd understand, or a small 2D game - awesome, a lot of cool games came around this way, tetris is an example. But I'd say to most people, stay out of the RPG genre, Blizzard and their money maker pretty much have it locked down, with the exception of the large Asian RPG market, dunno not really into RPGs...

    That's my 2cents, so I'll have my 3 - 5 dollars +/- 2 cents. Oh and that's also fraud in most countries (especially if this RPG isn't free), unless you declare the tax, even if you say it's a gift

  12. #12
    Registered User manofsteel972's Avatar
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    Don't get too discouraged Bazerx. Even though everyone here may be sounding a bit harsh, it can be a wake up call to realize it is a huge undertaking. As already stated, there are a lot of people with similar dreams of making it big. I doubt you realize just how many projects fail. People don't like putting their heart and soul into a project with a huge investment of personal time. More then likely a few years probably more. And then the project ends up being scrapped halfway through due to poor planning, poor management, poor design, and unrealistic expectations. You have to be a good salesman to recruit people. You have to be very convincing. If you can't sell your idea to the programmers, how would you be able to sell it to the public? The public wouldn't stand for mispellings in an advertisement for a company product. Being official looking instead of being professional comes across as shoddy and unprofessional. If you are not willing to put in some effort in a simple post, to make sure it looks professional, what is the final programming project going to look like? Is it also going to look shoddy. Would menus come up with mispellings. Are there going to be tons of subtle bugs that are tolerated. What are your standards going to be? Not that you want to go overboard with exceedingly high standards, but you need to have reasonable standards. I don't know how old you are, but don't give up on your project just because a few people pointed out some things that you need to pay attention to. Learn from it. Use the knowlege and improve.
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  13. #13
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    Unhappy *sigh*

    Well thanks anyways guys, (and no Three dollars 4 u)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel972 View Post
    Don't get too discouraged Bazerx. Even though everyone here may be sounding a bit harsh, it can be a wake up call to realize it is a huge undertaking.
    And it might steel you against the real world out there which is far harsher.

    Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel972 View Post
    I don't know how old you are, but don't give up on your project just because a few people pointed out some things that you need to pay attention to. Learn from it. Use the knowlege and improve.
    Well said. And don't try to reach for the sky. Start small, gain experience doing teeny tiny projects and slowly scale up to larger things.
    And don't try to sell things until you can do those larger things and do them well, you'll only get burned and burned badly and will be lucky if you're not hit for millions of dollars worth of lawsuits by people who invested time and money in you and found you failing through incompetence (which lacking the skills to do what you claim to be able to do comes down to).

  15. #15
    Woof, woof! zacs7's Avatar
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    Have you actually put pen to paper? And designed the game? You seem to want to jump straight into playing the game you're yet to design, or make.

    * Write an essay as to what the story of the game is
    * Do some sketches as to what things look like
    * Draw 1,000,000 flow charts, NS diagrams and pseudo code.
    * Find out what you need and what you have, you need a programmer it seems.

    Design it in so much detail that you end up with a book on a game yet to be made. Then get stuck into production, it will be a lot easier, and you've already thought of the problems in design.

    Perhaps follow the SDLC,

    * Analysis
    * Design - the writing bit
    * Development - where you'll actually develop your game
    * Testing - playing, yay
    * Implementation - rolling out the game to the public
    * Documentation - document the game (after you've rolled out alpha, sometimes this comes before Implementation)
    * Evaluation - Did you solve you original goal? To make a fancy RPG.

    For a project of such a large scale as this you'll also need to do a lot of project management.

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