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  1. #1 - Help Wanted

    Hey, the company I made needs C/C++ programmers, if you stick with us for a while and are useful, you'll end up getting paid when we make money off of the products we make.
    If you're interested, send an email to:
    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Cat Lover
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    The way you didn't even spell mathematics or libraries correctly in your...thingy under your name, title or whatever, doesn't fill me with confidence.

    And some more information would be nice, like what do you actually do? On your website it has a bunch of simple free things, like a crystal ball that pops up a window with an answer that's always "Did you really think so? Hahaha, I'm laughing now at your pitiful chances."

    Anyway, about your website:
    1. Bright lime green on black, personal preference. Personally, it gives me a headache

    2. Spell check your stuff. It doesn't look good when you call yourself griffin producttions
    And what exactly is Jenna Griffin's job? I've never heard of the word secritary before.

    3. About 85% of people still use IE, including many businesses, having great big ALL IN CAPS letters telling people to get firefox if the site doesn't work would probably not be that good an idea.
    Make something that looks good in both, or make a different site that's IE compatible, all of your pages are php, so you can change what's shown based on the web browser they use easily enough.

    4. Maybe it's because I'm not at home and so am using IE, but your updates/news box could do with being a bit larger than about 20 characters across, especially when only the left half is actually used, and it would be nice to have scroll bars on the side, to move up and down.

    5. Arguing with people on the tagboard on your main page, including threats along the lines of "I record everyone's IP address, I know where you live. I just don't want to say to spare you humiliation", it looks childish.
    However, due to the tagboard being tiny and annoying to read, most people probably wouldn't read it.

    6. Why do you show us all our IP address? Is there a purpose or just having fun playing around with php's $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable?

    7. I'd take the encrypter (a vigenere cipher if I'm not mistaken?) off the main page and stick it under fun stuff

    8. Under fun stuff quotes is a dead link, takes you back to main page with a 404 where the tag board was, however if you click on the home link then, it takes you to the quotes page. Your problem appears to be that you've got the address for quotes as, ditch the /.. and it should work.

    Anyway, good luck with your business, I hope you do well

  3. #3
    60% Braindead
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    I clicked the red X when I saw: If the scroll bar does not move, GET FIRE FOX!!!

    The lime green with black doesnt go to well, and if you're looking for serious programmers, you wont get them by offering them a portion that they may or may not receive upon completion - As most serious programmers have well paying jobs - unless of course, the programmer did this as a hobby.

    I like the name though, catchy. I would copywrite it, but I think its already copywriten :P.

    Well, good luck with your endeavors!
    Error W8057 C:\\Life.cpp: Invalid number of arguments in function run(Brain *)

  4. #4
    Sure, I make spelling errors now and then, especially when I have to site builder. The code takes time to write so that it shows up, so I may miss some stuff. I am one person working on an entire PHP built server, and I have other things on my plate.
    I am recording IP addresses because I have been getting some generally BAD crowd lately, swearing, making fun of every single last pixel of my website, etc. So I had to record them so that I could ban the bad crowd. And it's proved useful, now I know that just since December 2005, I have had over 8x+ locations around the world visiting my website.
    The spelling would not be half as bad if I were using a content manager (PHPNuke, Mambo, etc) and I had more people working on it.
    So: I am juggling over 50 things right now and trying to do my best with all of them.
    Just a short list of what I'm doing:
    • Making lots of programs (approx 10)
    • Making and maintaining a forum & website
    • Writing books
    • Making a CG movie
    • Keeping up with my graphic arts business
    • Writing other articles
    • Keeping up with school
    • The list goes ON

  5. #5
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Those are excuses and none of them are valid. Don't be surprised when other people don't understand why your site looks like it does. A site says a lot about a company and it should be top-notch or it shouldn't be.

  6. #6
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > So: I am juggling over 50 things right now and trying to do my best with all of them.
    And probably failing miserably at all of them.

    Lets see, 168 hours in a week.
    Say 6 hours minimum a day sleeping, that's down to 126 hours.
    You said school, so what's that - 7 hours a day for 5 days, down to 91.
    The basic mechanics of staying alive - eating, shopping for food etc, say 2 hours a day - down to 77

    Wow, best case scenario (ie, 0% social life) you spend a grand total of 1.5 hours per week on each of your tasks. Or put another way, you work on each one for a week then put it away for a year.

    You've REALLY got to prioritise your tasks, there's simply no way you can be tackling so many things at once and have any hope of completing any of them in a meaningful time frame to any degree of quality.

    Or simply burn out in a couple of years.

  7. #7
    Shut up, you fancy programming ..............s.
    If you knew how old I were (I can't say because it's too young to be near legal) you wouldn't talk the way you do, so shut your asses!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark~Cloud
    Shut up, you fancy programming ..............s.
    If you knew how old I were (I can't say because it's too young to be near legal) you wouldn't talk the way you do, so shut your asses!
    His post did make a good point though. And to be honest, I don't think anyone would be interested in working for or with you because:

    1 - you have a short temper and start swearing at people

    2 - you only plan to pay people once your so called "company" makes profit. Why shouldn't they just start up their own company and sell their products making a 100% profit. Your company has a 0% reputation and do you have any big skills they could profit from? Ifso, mention them...

  9. #9
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Actually, I want this thread in full public view just so people know what kind of a hot headed moron they're likely to be working for.

    Face it kiddo, if you ever come off with that attitude when say a bank manager asks you about your work load and plans for the future when you roll in asking for a business loan, you'll get tossed onto the street by security.

    What's the matter, didn't you like my maths?
    Are the days somewhat longer in your part of the world which means you can get so much more done?

    Is one of your "books" titled "making the 5000hr day work for you"?

    Or the fact that everyone now realises that to achieve all your goals, you need to sign up an awful lot of people on $0 just in the hope that something might pay off?

  10. #10
    60% Braindead
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    This thread is hilarious. Everything about it is offensive :P, even Dark~Clouds siggy. If you want anyone to so much as consider working for you, get a better attitude.

    Sence none of us are planning to hire anyone in this thread, we can be total ***holes and nobody can complain :P.
    Error W8057 C:\\Life.cpp: Invalid number of arguments in function run(Brain *)

  11. #11
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    For what I see, instead of encourage Dark~Cloud that he must be a too young person "If you knew how old I were (I can't say because it's too young to be near legal)" you attack him as you where crows.

    He spends ~9hours per day (with some more logical calculations depending on Salem) for his works, and do not forger he has school, meaning and homeworks/studies to do. He doesn't have neither the experience in my opinion, but he tries. He has at least the energy and the passion to do something, and the courage to ask for help.

    You talk about better attitude, but you are worst with your behavior. Dark~Cloud asked for help (ok, he did it with wrong way - here there are only professionals!). If you don't interested to help, don't bother.. Don't insult and annihilate the work, objects and the "dreams" of (young) persons in the "programming dominion".

    You talk about his temper, because he use schoolish words, but don't you understand that you break down him, with your words?. I guess you behave the same to anyone new, anyone that he tries to do something, but he isn't perfect as you are.

    Anyway.. I may do wrong, about what Dark~Cloud is (may be a cheater, or a briliand man-who knows). But I've been insulted too reading these, from the behavior of some of you. Why do you have such an anger-suspiciousness inside you?


  12. #12
    60% Braindead
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    I'm mean because being nice doesnt get you anywhere in this world. (Not very far anyways, usualy...)

    I started programming @ 8 and I was a total jackass, in the end someone has to tell you off or else you keep going. (I know from persoanl experience :P) If you just let someone go around shooting, you're going to end up dead. I commented nicely, he retaliated, so I retaliated. Its the kind of "push then push back" mentality.

    Of course, being an ass back isint always the correct method, but we actualy gave him reasons why we were doing this. (Most of us anyways :P) Yes its immoral (To most standards) to insult someones work, dreams, or passion. But really, it can prove useful in the end.

    I would also like to add, Salem has a point. If you want people to work for you, you shouldent say you *may* pay them when you *might* earn money, and you shouldent start a project if you have no time to do it.

    Well we can fight a holy war for ages, but whats said is said.(Unless a mod deletes this :P). In which case, whats said was said.

    Btw, anger-suspiciousness... I dont think anyone here is suspicious of anger... Prehaps I skipped your meaning somehow?

    PPS: Free speech rocks .
    Last edited by Blackroot; 01-31-2006 at 02:40 AM.
    Error W8057 C:\\Life.cpp: Invalid number of arguments in function run(Brain *)

  13. #13
    Devil's Advocate SlyMaelstrom's Avatar
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    Leaving all the attitude aside. Since no one else has yet to address the issue, I might as well.

    Let me teach you a bit about how business works, kid. You don't hire people to do your work... and expect them to wait for you to do yours before they get their money. If you want a programmer, you pay them upfront... with your money... and the money you make on the product is yours. Do you really think a guy is going to risk his money on the skill of the other people involved in the product or service? You pay... they work... you sell... that's the way the capitalist world goes 'round.
    Sent from my iPad®

  14. #14
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    terablade...go see a doctor.

    Psychiatry is not one of our strong suits around here. Dark cloud's reaction was not warranted, not helpful, and very revealing.

  15. #15
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Hey, all I did was point out the maths of trying to do 50 things at once and he was the one which blew up!

    He's not interested in discussing issues with people, he'll just yell at you until you leave the group and then you'll get $0 for sure.

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