Hello, my name is Ian McCambridge, i live in california, usa. I am 15, and am the leader of Spiderbyte. We are currently working on a next gen fan game based off of Sonic Adventure series. Our producer will be contacting Sega and will request for a policy on Fangames. Also, if our game qualifies, we will be entering our game in the annual SAGE expo.

The game we are working on is called Sonic - The Black Emerald. The story line has already been roughly constructed, along with art to support the story. The game will be a 3D Sonic Adventure / Next gen styled fangame.

Right now, we have a producer, a few 3D modelers, Several 2D Digital Artist, Producer Artist, and a Sketch Artist. We are looking for more Modelers, more Texture artist, C++ Ogre3D programmers, Lead Programmer, Lead Artist, Producer's Assistant, StoryWriter, and a bunch of other nessicary roles. To see all other roles, just visit our forums which is located at:
Milestones will be used
Team structure fallows a basic Grantt Chart
We hope to see you there.