Their famed book The C Programming Language is just Godlike. Its the only technical document Ive read in my life that I plan on finishing from the first line to the last... Thrice. And after reading it over and over I will undoubtedly use it as a reference indefinitely.

I dont know what it is. Its elegance. Its brevity. Its damn difficult and frustrating at times and it does have downsides like lack of function pointer literature and lack of linked list technicalities. But the sentences are so packed/crammed and dense with info, you basically have to re read so many times and think to yourself oh I missed that!

Their examples show the language itself in a way that is applied to some advanced programming examples that you are likely to encounter.

I am becoming a C religious Zealot and K&R is my bible.

I am also glad to see so many people out there on the internet who share the same opinion!

Haters gonna hate, say all you want but its the best book in the world.