Whats your idea about his Thinking in C++ book?
Good Book
Good but with some shortcomings
Bad Book
Whats your idea about his Thinking in C++ book?
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Siavosh K C
I haven't read it so I won't vote, but I had some thoughts on Eckel's politics ("Bruce seems to have a salesman's prerogative and it infects his writing in a very negative way") as expressed in some quotations from the book here:
Questions regarding the text in Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel
And IMO if your thinking is that sloppy off-topic it's probably less than ideal when on topic. Ie, I'll probably never bother to look at the book, there are plenty of better things to read (it's either bad or good with some shortcomings).
Last edited by MK27; 06-15-2010 at 10:32 AM.
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I see it recommended a lot, but the books are garbage.
The broken source, flawed theory, poor design, and the authors own misunderstanding of C++ make the books useless.
haven't read it in depth, but his much-advocated Thinking in Java is utter rubbish.
Worst practices promoted as best practices, basic logical flaws, many fundamental OO concepts glossed over or (worse) false presented, etc. etc.
Shows clearly Eckel either doesn't know or care about proper programming practice, writing his books like some "teach yourself programmin in 24 hours using Java" (or C++) fashion.
His writing on other websites are of a similar calibre, albeit dressed in a lot of hype and expensive words and acronyms to make them appear authoritive (which invariably causes a lot of people who should know better to pipe in with statements of how brilliant he is).
So his Java books are as bad as his C++ books!? Noted.his much-advocated Thinking in Java is utter rubbish.
Worst practices promoted as best practices, basic logical flaws, many fundamental OO concepts glossed over or (worse) false presented, etc. etc.